Woman's Endurance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 90 pages of information about Woman's Endurance.

Woman's Endurance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 90 pages of information about Woman's Endurance.

487; Engelbrecht; Mrs. P. de Lint[9]; wonderful discovery; yet withal sad; father India; children ill; wife broken-hearted; great rejoicing; thanksgiving for change.

321; Old Mr. De Villiers, grand old man; great cheer to myself.

268; Mrs. De Villiers; five children sick.

383; mother died last week; daughter this morning; “Minheer, dit was de prachtigste sterfbed wat ik ooit gezien het” (’Sir, it was the most beautiful deathbed I have ever seen’); “Dag, tante, ik gaat naar die Heere Jesus toe” (’Good-bye, Aunt, I am going to the Lord Jesus’); remaining daughter very, very bad; “Minheer, moet assemblief bid dat ik kan gezond word” (’Sir, you must pray, please, that I may recover’); little hope; inflammation.

292; Van der Berg; wife died last night.

81; casual visit; Mrs. Van Staden; Mrs. Otto; sick children.

80; Mrs. Van der Merwe died to-day; old lady, Mrs. Pienaar, ill in bed; when I repeated some verses Gezang 65[10], old lady forestalled me line for line.

612; “Ach mij lieve ou Pappie”; better.

Five hours’ incessant work; wearisome; thank God when twilight comes.

Work here for ten men; no chance alone; no show; the helplessness of it all! and there are hundreds sick and dying that I know not of, and that I could not visit even should I know.

My brothers-elders must help me more.

Had I not seen body of 80 removed I should never have known.

Funerals this morning; twelve; rude coffins; rough and ready biers (six); young Hugo; “Gelijk een bloem des velds” ("As for man his days are as grass; as a flower of the field so he flourisheth")[11]

Visit Mrs. Liebenberg, whose girlie was buried; prostrate; never saw glimpse of Mr. Becker.

Great concern because of the difficulty of cleanliness amid such dire straits; point determined; to warn and exhort one and all to the strictest cleanliness[12]; for “cleanliness is next to godliness.”

Saw long convoy travelling past.

Eighteen corpses in morgue tents.

* * * * *

Sunday, August 25.—­Longish day.

235a; six orphans[13]; nice and clean; very satisfactory; boy bad.

383; still same; poor girl.

113; death; child; much misery; Olivier.

Church 1.30; open air; glorious weather; attentive congregation; singing impressive; majority stand; grand pulpit(!); regular rostrum.

Afternoon work begins 2 p.m., ends 7 p.m.; incessant, wearying.

Twenty-eight visits.

Our Camp one large hospital, with hundreds wrestling with measles, pneumonia, fever.  The sorrow of it that I never can sit down and say, “Now I have visited all the sick.”  There are hundreds of whom I know nothing.

Horrible whistle that!  It signals the morgue tent people to come and remove the dead.  It is Death’s shrill, harsh, jarring, triumphant shout!  It shivers one through.

Project Gutenberg
Woman's Endurance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.