Woman's Endurance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 90 pages of information about Woman's Endurance.

Woman's Endurance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 90 pages of information about Woman's Endurance.

Pitch tent; wet floor; inside dire confusion.

Meeting Church-square thirty-nine elders[3]; each a block; prayer; introduction Rev. Becker; kind words and cheer.

Early bed; restless night; hospital close by; commotion; groans; fifteen buried to-day; service for Mr. Van As.

* * * * *

Friday, August 23.—­Early bird; wash spruit[4]; first shave (tears); Van As coffee; pathetic sight; old man leading old wife back to tent from hospital; Hugo; son just died.

Visit Hugo’s; dinner Van As; outspan (rest); cigar grand.

Unpack; three Red Cross boxes (gift of the chemist); order out of chaos; spirits revive; visits 2.5 p.m.

Dying child; mother broken-hearted.

Dying mother; clear doorway; deathbed grim attraction for our people; prayer; understands.

Widow; husband found dead outside in night; heart disease.

Sick child (since dead); sick child; sweet face; Louw.

Visit sick child of yesterday, also Weinanda.

Stray; hear cough; enter; father invalid (wife dead); three sick children; youngest very bad.

Comfort mother of dead child.

Funerals (seven), Mr. Becker:  “I was dumb and opened not my mouth.”

Burial ground; about 120 graves; weeping mothers; visit dying child; fool of myself, broke down in prayer; the helplessness in presence of Death!

Throat hoarse; dead off; return tent; meditate; convinced this work the very hardest in whole world.

Avoid taking guide next time (handicapped).

Neglected to visit 486 and mothers of yesterday’s dying children.

Stienie[5]; down measles; jelly.

Mr. Otto’s dear loving daughter[6] died hospital.

Fourteen corpses (in morgue tents).

Very many old friends all about of Papa’s and Oom Jacob’s[7].

One man disappointed; had expected Oom Jacob.

Night:  Strains of Psalm-singing; calm and fresh after shower of rain; follow ear; Snyman; short conversation.

* * * * *

Saturday, August 24.—­Evening:  Coughing; wailing; crying; groaning.

Exhausting day; pure, clear air after refreshing rain.

The misery in our Camp heart-rending; hopeless to cope with work.

Up early; coffee in hospital kitchen; work.

235a; six orphans; baby; dirt; sad!

241; mother died to-day suddenly.

239; boy 12, Ignatius; malignant growth shoulder; hopeless; pining away.

249; child; measles.

468; Venter; motherless infants; all sick; food scarce; despair; powerful grandmother (arms!); daughter; all measles; “Ziet, minheer, die dochter is nog’n lady:  sij is nie getrouwd nie” (’This daughter, sir, is still a lady; she is not yet married’); Bengers; beef tea.[8]

485; Van Heerde; mother and tentful of sick children; pitiable; camphor; brandy.

Project Gutenberg
Woman's Endurance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.