Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 690 pages of information about Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3.

Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 690 pages of information about Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3.

Meiji era, III. 402

Meister Eckhart, II. 313

Mekong, III. 79, 80

Melanges Harley, II. 18, 195, 238

Melas, I. 103; II. 172

Melncote, II. 237, 243

Memoir on the History of the Tooth Relic of Ceylon, III. 25

Memory and rebirth, I. lvii, 320 sq.

Memphis, III. 431

Menam, III. 79

Menander, I. 23; II. 159; III. 23

Mencius, II. 275

Mendicants, I. 100, 134

Mental phenomena. See Intuition, Knowledge, Meditation, Memory

Mera (Pera), III. 101

Mercurial system, I. 305

Mergui, III. 82

Merit-transfer, I. lxxxvi; II. 10, 31; III. 84, 394

Meru, III. 185

Meru, Mt., I. 335; III. 97, 425

Merutantra, II. 280

Merv, III. 427

Messiah, I. 4, 36, 179; II. 88, 149; III. 319

Metamorphosis, I. 200

Metaphysics, I. xxix, cii, 64, 78, 183, 187, 192, 193; II. 6, 36-46, 72, 82, 92, 207, 225, 315; III. 213, 218, 345

Metaphysics and Ethics of the Jains, I. 105

Metempsychosis, I. xv, xviii, 194; II. 101, 268; III. 175, 183, 241, 245, 429, 432, 435, 444, 446, 447, 462

Methode, II. 56

Metta, I. 184, 216

Metteya, I. 344; II. 21; III. 33, 74, 84

Mewar, I. 30

Mexico, III. 168

Mey Kanda Devar, II. 221

Miao-Shen, II. 18

Micchaka, III. 307

Mi-chiao, III. 316

Middle Kingdom, II. 93

Migara, I. 153

Mi-gyo-ba, III. 392

Mihira, I. 27

Mihiragula, I. 25; II. 95, 100; III. 307

Milarapa, III. 399

Mi-le, III. 342

Mili, II. 21

Milinda Panha, I. 190, 227, 344; III. 23, 56, 105, 153

Mimamsa, II. 292, 310

Mimamsakam, III. 44

Minayeff, II. 9; III. 49, 379

Mindolling, III. 398

Mindon Min, III. 49, 65

Ming (dynasty, etc.), I. xxvi, 153, 160, 205, 207, 274 sq., 289, 290, 301, 319, 359

Ming-Oi, III. 190, 194

Ming Ti, III. 8, 197, 212, 236, 244, 248, 253

Mingun, III. 63

Ministry of Thunder, III. 225

Minor Rock Edict. See Edicts of Asoka

Minussinsk, III. 213

Mira Bai, II. 244

Miracles, I. 325, 329; II. 53, 58, 66, 84, 154; III. 441

Miraj, II. 109

Miran, II. 192, 200, 210

Miriok, III. 336

Miroku, II. 21

Misal, II. 272

Mi-sha-so Wu-fen Lu, III. 285

Mi-so’n, III. 139 sq.

Missaka, Mt., III. 16

Missionizing, I. xxxvii, lxxxviii, xcii, 254, 268 sq.; II. 70; III. 4, 15, 410, 430

Mitanni, III. 435

Mithila, I. 89; II. 149

Project Gutenberg
Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.