The Egoist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 707 pages of information about The Egoist.

The Egoist eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 707 pages of information about The Egoist.
the other day for an antidote; which was as if tired pedestrians should mount the engine-box of headlong trains; and Science introduced us to our o’er-hoary ancestry—­them in the Oriental posture; whereupon we set up a primaeval chattering to rival the Amazon forest nigh nightfall, cured, we fancied.  And before daybreak our disease was hanging on to us again, with the extension of a tail.  We had it fore and aft.  We were the same, and animals into the bargain.  That is all we got from Science.

Art is the specific.  We have little to learn of apes, and they may be left.  The chief consideration for us is, what particular practice of Art in letters is the best for the perusal of the Book of our common wisdom; so that with clearer minds and livelier manners we may escape, as it were, into daylight and song from a land of fog-horns.  Shall we read it by the watchmaker’s eye in luminous rings eruptive of the infinitesimal, or pointed with examples and types under the broad Alpine survey of the spirit born of our united social intelligence, which is the Comic Spirit?  Wise men say the latter.  They tell us that there is a constant tendency in the Book to accumulate excess of substance, and such repleteness, obscuring the glass it holds to mankind, renders us inexact in the recognition of our individual countenances:  a perilous thing for civilization.  And these wise men are strong in their opinion that we should encourage the Comic Spirit, who is after all our own offspring, to relieve the Book.  Comedy, they say, is the true diversion, as it is likewise the key of the great Book, the music of the Book.  They tell us how it condenses whole sections of the book in a sentence, volumes in a character; so that a fair pan of a book outstripping thousands of leagues when unrolled may be compassed in one comic sitting.

For verily, say they, we must read what we can of it, at least the page before us, if we would be men.  One, with an index on the Book, cries out, in a style pardonable to his fervency:  The remedy of your frightful affliction is here, through the stillatory of Comedy, and not in Science, nor yet in Speed, whose name is but another for voracity.  Why, to be alive, to be quick in the soul, there should be diversity in the companion throbs of your pulses.  Interrogate them.  They lump along like the old loblegs of Dobbin the horse; or do their business like cudgels of carpet-thwackers expelling dust or the cottage-clock pendulum teaching the infant hour over midnight simple arithmetic.  This too in spite of Bacchus.  And let them gallop; let them gallop with the God bestriding them; gallop to Hymen, gallop to Hades, they strike the same note.  Monstrous monotonousness has enfolded us as with the arms of Amphitrite!  We hear a shout of war for a diversion.—­Comedy he pronounces to be our means of reading swiftly and comprehensively.  She it is who proposes the correcting of pretentiousness, of inflation, of dulness, and of the vestiges of rawness and grossness to be found

Project Gutenberg
The Egoist from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.