Mark Hurdlestone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about Mark Hurdlestone.

Mark Hurdlestone eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 383 pages of information about Mark Hurdlestone.

As far as the mere technicalities of education went, they could not have had a more conscientious or efficient teacher; but his morality and theology were alike defective, and, instead of endeavoring to make them good men, Uncle Alfred’s grand aim was to make them fine gentlemen.  With Algernon, he succeeded beyond his most sanguine expectations, for there was a strong family likeness between that young gentleman and his uncle, and a great similarity in their tastes and pursuits.  Mark, however, proved a most dogged and refractory pupil, and though he certainly owed the fine upright carriage, by which he was distinguished, to Uncle Alfred’s indefatigable drilling, yet, like Lord Chesterfield’s son, he profited very little by his lessons in politeness.

When the time arrived for him to finish his studies, by going to college and travelling abroad, the young heir of the Hurdlestones obstinately refused to avail himself of these advantages.  He declared that the money, so uselessly bestowed, would add nothing to his present stock of knowledge, but only serve to decrease his patrimony; that all the learning that books could convey, could be better acquired in the quiet and solitude of home; that he knew already as much of the dead languages as he ever would have occasion for, as he did not mean to enter the church or to plead at the bar; and there was no character he held in greater abhorrence than a fashionable beau or a learned pedant.  His uncle had earned a right to both these characters; and, though a clever man, he was dependent in his old age on the charity of his rich relations.  For his part, he was contented with his country and his home, and had already seen as much of the world as he wished to see, without travelling beyond the precincts of his native village.

Mr. Hurdlestone greatly applauded his son’s resolution, which, he declared, displayed a degree of prudence and sagacity remarkable at his age.  But his mother, who still retained a vivid recollection of the pleasures and gaiety of a town life, from which she had long been banished by her avaricious lord, listened to the sordid sentiments expressed by her first-born with contempt, and transferred all her maternal regard to his brother, whom she secretly determined should be the gentleman of the family.

In her schemes for the aggrandizement of Algernon, she was greatly assisted by Uncle Alfred, who loved the handsome, free-spirited boy for his own sake, as well as for a certain degree of resemblance, which he fancied existed between them in mental as well as personal endowments.  In this he was not mistaken; for Algernon was but an improvement on his uncle, with less selfishness and more activity of mind.  He early imbibed all his notions, and entered with avidity into all his pursuits and pleasures.  In spite of the hard usage that Uncle Alfred had received from the world, he panted to mingle once more in its busy scenes, which he described to his attentive pupil, in the most glowing terms.

Project Gutenberg
Mark Hurdlestone from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.