two couples, the number seven, coming next after the
sum of the three sacred numbers, determines the largest
group which we can distinctly imagine. Reciprocally,
it marks the limit of the divisions which we can directly
conceive in a magnitude of any kind.” The
number seven, therefore, must be foisted in wherever
possible, and among other things, is to be made the
basis of numeration, which is hereafter to be septimal
instead of decimal: producing all the inconvenience
of a change of system, not only without getting rid
of, but greatly aggravating, the disadvantages of
the existing one. But then, he says, it is absolutely
necessary that the basis of numeration should be a
prime number. All other people think it absolutely
necessary that it should not, and regard the present
basis as only objectionable in not being divisible
enough. But M. Comte’s puerile predilection
for prime numbers almost passes belief. His reason
is that they are the type of irreductibility:
each of them is a kind of ultimate arithmetical fact.
This, to any one who knows M. Comte in his later aspects,
is amply sufficient. Nothing can exceed his delight
in anything which says to the human mind, Thus far
shalt thou go and no farther. If prime numbers
are precious, doubly prime numbers are doubly so; meaning
those which are not only themselves prime numbers,
but the number which marks their place in the series
of prime numbers is a prime number. Still greater
is the dignity of trebly prime numbers; when the number
marking the place of this second number is also prime.
The number thirteen fulfils these conditions:
it is a prime number, it is the seventh prime number,
and seven is the fifth prime number. Accordingly
he has an outrageous partiality to the number thirteen.
Though one of the most inconvenient of all small numbers,
he insists on introducing it everywhere.
These strange conceits are connected with a highly
characteristic example of M. Comte’s frenzy
for regulation. He cannot bear that anything
should be left unregulated: there ought to be
no such thing as hesitation; nothing should remain
arbitrary, for l’arbitraire is always
favourable to egoism. Submission to artificial
prescriptions is as indispensable as to natural laws,
and he boasts that under the reign of sentiment, human
life may be made equally, and even more, regular than
the courses of the stars. But the great instrument
of exact regulation for the details of life is numbers:
fixed numbers, therefore, should be introduced into
all our conduct. M. Comte’s first application
of this system was to the correction of his own literary
style. Complaint had been made, not undeservedly,
that in his first great work, especially in the latter
part of it, the sentences and paragraphs were long,
clumsy, and involved. To correct this fault, of
which he was aware, he imposed on himself the following
rules. No sentence was to exceed two lines of
his manuscript, equivalent to five of print. No