[Footnote 22: Alcoran.]
[Footnote 23: Because Words borrowed from and us’d about sensible and material Things, would lead Men into Mistakes, when us’d to explain things Spiritual, if they be taken in a literal Sense. See Sec. 85.]
[Footnote 24: The Author means, the nearest Approach to God.]
[Footnote 25: As the Author his in the three foregoing Sections describ’d the Condition of those glorified Spirits, who continually enjoy the Beatifick Vision; so in this he describes the miserable State of those who are deprived of it, i.e. the Damn’d.]
[Footnote 26: I have omitted the following Passage, because I could not well tell how to make it intelligible; the meaning of it in gross, is still to express the miserable Condition, and horrible Confusion of those Spirits which are separated from the Vision of God. However, I shall set it down in Latin out of Mr. Pocock’s Translation. Et ferris discindi inter repellendum & attrabendum; vidit etiam hic alias Essentias, praeter istas, quae cruciabantur, quae apparebant & deinde evanescebant, & connexae erant & cum dissolvebantur; & hic se cohibuit illasque bene perpendit & vidit ingentes terrores, & negotia magna, & turbam occupatam, & operationem, efficacem, & complanationem, & inflationem, & productionem, & destructionem. The particulars of this Passage, would be best explain’d by the Commentators upon the Alcoran, which I have no Opportunity of consulting.]
[Footnote 27: Alcoran, Chap. 81, and 101.]
[Footnote 28: The Arabick Words, Watathabaka indaho’ ’Imekoul w’almenkoul signify, And that which was understood agreed with that which was copied. But because that way of expressing it is obscure, I have chose rather to leave the Arabick Word, and express the Sense, which is this. Hai Ebn Yokdhan, having no Advantages of Education, had acquir’d all his Knowledge by singular Industry and Application, till at last he attain’d to the Vision of God himself, by which means he saw all things relating to a future State, viz. by beholding in God the Architypal Ideas, of which all things created, and whatsoever is reveal’d to us, are suppos’d to be Copies. Now Asal, by conversing with him, found, that the Mekoul, i.e. what Hai Ebn Yokdhan saw by this sort of Speculation; and the Menkoul, i.e. what Asal had learn’d out of the Alcoran, and the Tradition of the Prophets, did exactly answer one the other, as a Copy does its Original.]