Black and White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 273 pages of information about Black and White.

Black and White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 273 pages of information about Black and White.

But this is not all.  In our own country the British land shark has made his appearance.  His vile clutch, which our forefathers unwrenched in the strength of their Colonial greatness, has again been fastened upon our throat.  The following table will show the extent to which the parasite has insinuated himself into our vital parts.  Let the good people of this country—­who should know that monopoly in land is the death note of free institutions; that large estates are the parasites of republics and the death of small freeholders—­let the people read the following table with the closeness which its gravity should inspire.  The San Francisco Daily Examiner, a leading paper on the Pacific coast says: 

Besides the millions of acres belonging to railroad and other corporations, the amount of land that is being acquired by foreign capitalists and landlords is fairly amazing.  Ireland is to-day groaning beneath the yoke of oppression, and not many years will roll around before the American tenant, upon his knees, will also look up into the scowling face of his master and acknowledge his obedience.  Following are a few of America’s foreign landlords, and the amount of their holdings expressed in acres:—­
An English Syndicate, No. 3, in Texas                    3,000,000
The Holland Land Company, New Mexico                     4,500,000
Sir Edward Reid, and a syndicate in Florida              2,000,000
English Syndicate, in Mississippi                        1,800,000
Marquis of Tweedale                                      1,750,000
Philips, Marshal & Co., London                           1,300,000
German Syndicate                                         1,100,000
Anglo-American Syndicate, Mr. Rogers President, London     750,000
Byron H. Evans, of London, in Mississippi                  700,000
Duke of Sutherland                                         425,000
British Land Company, in Kansas                            320,000
William Whallay, M.P., Peterboro, England                  310,000
Missouri Land Company, Edinburgh, Scotland                 300,000
Robert Tennant, of London                                  230,000
Dundee Land Company, Scotland                              247,000
Lord Dunmore                                               120,000
Benjamin Newgas, Liverpool                                 100,000
Lord Houghton, in Florida                                   60,000
Lord Dunraven, in Colorado                                  60,000
English Land Company, in Florida                            50,000
English Land Company, in Arkansas                           50,000
Albert Peel, M.P., Leicestershire, England                  10,000
Sir J.L.  Kay, Yorkshire, England                             5,000
Alexander Grant, of London, in Kansas                       35,000
English Syndicate (represented by Closs Bros.) Wisconsin   110,000
M. Ellerhauser, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, in West Virginia  600,000
A Scotch Syndicate, in Florida                             500,000
A. Boysen, Danish Consul, in Milwaukee                      50,000
Missouri Land Company, of Edinburgh, Scotland              165,000

Total 20,747,000

Project Gutenberg
Black and White from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.