Black and White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 273 pages of information about Black and White.

Black and White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 273 pages of information about Black and White.

A new generation of men has come upon the stage of action in the South.  They know little or nothing of the regulations or the horrors of the slave regime.  They know they are freemen; they know they are cruelly and unjustly defrauded; and they question the right of their equals to oppose and defraud them.  A large number of these people have enjoyed the advantage of common school education, and not a few of academic and collegiate education, and a large number have “put money in their purse.”  The entire race has so changed that they are almost a different people from what they were when the exigencies of war made their manumission imperative.  Yet there has been but little change in the attitude of the white men towards this people.  They still strenuously deny their right to participate in the administration of justice or to share equally in the blessings of that justice.

There must be a change of policy.  The progress of the black man demands it; the interest of the white man compels it.  The South cannot hope to share in the industrious emigration constantly flowing into our ports as long as it is scattered over the world that mob law and race distractions constantly interrupt the industry of the people, and put life and property in jeopardy of eminent disturbance; and she cannot hope to encourage the investment of large capital in the development of her industries or the extension of her national system.  Capital is timid.  It will only seek investment where it is sure of being let alone.  Again, while the present state continues, no Southern statesman, however capable he may be, can hope to enjoy the confidence of the country or attain to high official position.  Thoughtful, sober people will not entrust power to men who sanction mob law, and who rise to high honor by conniving at or participating in assassination and murder.  They have too much self-respect to do it.

Only a few weeks since, a narrow-minded senator from the State of Alabama, speaking upon the question of “National Aid to Education,” said he would rather vote for an appropriation to place the Southern States in direct communication with the Congo than to vote money to educate the blacks.  There is no ingrate more execrable than the one who lifts up his hand or his voice to wrong the man he has betrayed.  This senator from Alabama does not represent the majority of the people of his state.  Take away the shot gun and mob law and he would be compelled to crawl back into the obscurity out of which he was dragged by his accomplices in roguery.

The colored man is in the South to stay there.  He will not leave it voluntarily and he cannot be driven out.  He had no voice in being carried into the South, but he will have a very loud voice in any attempt to put him out.  The expatriation of 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 people to an alien country needs only to be suggested to create mirth and ridicule.  The white men of the South had better make up their

Project Gutenberg
Black and White from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.