Black and White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 273 pages of information about Black and White.

Black and White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 273 pages of information about Black and White.
York Herald last night, taken from the New Orleans Times-Democrat.  If you take the assessed valuation of real estate in Alabama, in 1879 it was at $117,486,581; in 1883 it is assessed at $152,920,115.  There has been that increase in four years from $117,000,000 to $152,000,000.  Now let us take the State of Arkansas:  in 1879 our real estate was valued at $86,892,541; in 1883 it is valued at $136,000,000.  It goes on just in that same proportion.  For instance, this shows that in eight of the Southern and Southwestern States there has been an increase of nearly half a billion dollars—­that is, $494,836,686—­in value of taxable property during the short period of four years.
I happened to pick up this book last night.  If I had an opportunity I could have gotten some statistics to show you the increased production in these different States, and how completely it has taken place, as the laborer has begun to rely on himself and been thrown on his resources.
Q. Have you observed the origin of these statistics?  —­A.  They come from the New Orleans Times-Democrat.  I will read this in order that they may be known.  This is from the Herald of yesterday: 


The New Orleans TIMES-DEMOCRAT has gathered from trustworthy sources and given to the public valuable statistics showing the industrial progress made in the Southern States during the past four years.  This covers the period since 1879, the year to which the figures of the latest national census apply.  The census returns show a marvelous material growth in the South during the preceding ten years.  But, according to the reports published by our New Orleans contemporary, the progress of the past four years is greater and more wonderful than that achieved during the decade between the census years.

Taking the important item of assessed value of property, a
comparison between the years 1879 and 1883 gives the
following remarkable results: 

---------- Assessment Tax Assessment Tax States 1883 rate 1879 rate ------------------------------------------------------------
----- Alabama $152,920,115 6-1/2 $117,486,581 7 Arkansas 136,000,000 7 86,892,541 6-1/2 Florida 56,000,000 5 29,471,648 7 Georgia 300,000,000 2-1/2 135,659,530 5 Louisiana 200,000,000 6 209,361,402 6 Mississippi 116,288,810 2-1/2 129,308,345 3-1/2 Tennessee 252,289,873 2 223,211,345 1 Texas 500,000,000 3 304,470,736 5 ------------------------------------------------------------
----- Total 1,710,498,798 4-1/2 1,215,662,128 5 ------------------------------------------------------------
Project Gutenberg
Black and White from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.