The Jungle Fugitives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 256 pages of information about The Jungle Fugitives.

The Jungle Fugitives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 256 pages of information about The Jungle Fugitives.

The latter raised his hand in protest.  He could accept money for any service except that of befriending the blue-eyed darling on his knee.

“Never refer to that again.”

Harvey laughed.

“I looked for something of the kind; I have a few words to add.  I found out this morning that there was a mortgage of $600 against your little home in the village.  I don’t believe in mortgages, and that particular one has now no existence.  If you see any way to help undo what I have done go ahead, but I beg you not to refuse another small present that I have prepared for you.”

And Harvey turned as if about to take something from his desk, but stopped when he saw Hugh shake his head almost angrily.

“I would do a good deal to oblige you, Mr. Bradley, but you must not ask that.  I would have been better pleased had you let the mortgage alone; my wife and little one are under the sod, and it matters nought to me whether I have a place to lay my head.  But,” he added with a faint smile, “what’s done can’t be undone, and, since you have asked me, I will drop the matter, but nothing more, I pray you, on the other subject.”

“Hugh,” said the superintendent, like one who braces himself for a duty that has its disagreeable as well as its pleasant features, “you know that I had sent to Vining for men to take the places of those who are on strike?”

“I heard something of the kind, sir.”

“They were to start for Bardstown to-night and are due to-morrow.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I countermanded the order by telegraph this morning; not a man will come.”

“Yes, sir.”

“The whistle will blow to-morrow as usual, ten minutes before 7 o’clock, and I shall expect every one of you to be in place; I have agreed to your terms.”

Hugh looked at the superintendent a moment and then asked a singular question: 

“Is it because I found Dollie that you agree to our terms?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“Because, if that is the reason, I will not accept the terms, for you would be doing out of gratitude an act which your judgment condemned.”

Harvey Bradley felt his respect for this man increase tenfold.  Such manliness was worthy of all admiration.  He hastened to add: 

“There’s where, I am glad to say, you are in error.  Now you know as well as I do that in order to keep discipline the employer must insist upon his rights.  If he were to give all that is asked his business would be destroyed.  But, on the other hand, labor has rights as well as capital, and the two can never get along together until this truth is respected by both.  In all disputes, there should be an interchange of views, a full statement of grievances by those who are dissatisfied, and a fair consideration of them by the party against whom they exist.”

O’Hara was not afraid to look his employer in the face and say: 

Project Gutenberg
The Jungle Fugitives from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.