The Jungle Fugitives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 256 pages of information about The Jungle Fugitives.

The Jungle Fugitives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 256 pages of information about The Jungle Fugitives.

The boys halted at a safe distance, and even Tom paused a few minutes to make a reconnoissance before going nearer.

“You fellows stay here, and don’t any of you throw stones or yell!” he said, in a guarded undertone; “for if them hornets find out what is up, they’ll come swarming out by the million and sting us all to death.”

The promise was readily made, and Tom went forward like a hero, the eyes of all of his playmates fixed upon him.  It was noticed be carried a large silken handkerchief in his hand—­one that he had secured at home for this special purpose.

He advanced stealthily until within some ten feet, when he halted again.  With his gaze centered on the gray, oblong object, he saw one of the dark insects suddenly crawl to view through the opening.

“I wonder if he suspects anything,” thought Tom, half disposed to turn about and run; “no—­he’s all right,” he added, as the hornet spread his wings, and shot off like a bullet through the air.

Still intently watching the orifice, the boy moved softly forward until directly under the nest.  Then, with the deliberation of a veteran, he deftly enfolded it with the large silk handkerchief, easily wrenched it loose from its support, tied the covering over the top so securely that not an inhabitant of the nest could possibly escape, and rejoined in triumph his companions.

“Now you’ll see fun!” he exclaimed, as he led the whole party trooping in the direction of the schoolhouse; “keep mum, and don’t tell any of the girls what’s up.”

It was a grand scheme and it looked as if there could be no hitch in it.  What compunctions the other boys might have felt against the attempt to cause pain to their teacher were forgotten in the excitement of the coming sport.

The residents of the oblong home must have been surprised, to put it mildly, when they found the house swinging along, in the grasp of some great giant, themselves enveloped in gloom, and the only avenue of escape sealed up.  They hummed, and buzzed and raised a tempest within, but it was in vain:  they were prisoners and must remain such until the ogre chose to release them.

Everything seemed to join to help the young rebel.  The girls were playing so far from the school building, that they gave no heed to the procession which passed into the structure.  One glance told Tom that it was without an occupant, and he strode hastily to the desk, the others pausing near the door, ready to dash out in the event of disaster.

The desk was unlocked and Tom raised the lid.  The nest was laid on its side, in the middle, but it was so big that he had to displace several books to make room for it.  Then the knots were untied, the handkerchief flirted free, the lid lowered, and the deed was done.

Tom joined his companions with a radiant face.  “Not a word,” he cautioned, “be extra good this afternoon; even I’ll try to behave myself for once, but we won’t have to wait long.”

Project Gutenberg
The Jungle Fugitives from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.