Dangerous Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 246 pages of information about Dangerous Ages.

Dangerous Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 246 pages of information about Dangerous Ages.

Desperately uncomfortable and angular Rosalind made you feel, petting you and purring over you and calling you “mother dear,” with that glint always behind her golden-brown eyes which showed that she was up to no good, that she knew you hated her and was only leading you on that she might strike her claws into you the deeper.  The great beautiful cat:  that was what Rosalind was.  You didn’t trust her for a moment.

She was pouring out tea.

“Lemon?  But how dreadfully stupid of me!  I’d forgotten you take milk ... oh yes, and sugar....”

She rang, and ordered sugar.  Mothers take it; not the mothers of Rosalind’s world, but mothers’ meetings, and school treats, and mothers-in-law up from the seaside.

“Are you up for shopping?  How thrilling!  Where have you been?...  Oh, High Street.  Did you find anything there?”

Mrs. Hilary knew that Rosalind would see her off, hung over with dozens of parcels, and despise them, knowing that if they were so many they must also be cheap.

“Oh, there’s not much to be got there, of course,” she said.  “I got a few little things—­chiefly for my mother to give away in the parish.  She likes to have things....”

“But how noble of you both!  I’m afraid I never rise to that.  It’s all I can manage to give presents to myself and nearest rellies.  And you came up to town just to get presents for the parish!  You’re wonderful, mother!”

“Oh, I take a day in town now and then.  Why not?  Everyone does.”

Extraordinary how defiant Rosalind made one feel, prying and questioning and trying to make one look absurd.

“Why, of course!  It freshens you up, I expect; makes a change....  But you’ve come up from Windover, haven’t you, not the seaside?”

Rosalind always called St. Mary’s Bay the seaside.  To her our island coasts were all one; the seaside was where you went to bathe, and she hardly distinguished between north, south, east and west.

“How are they down at Windover?  I heard that Nan was there, with that young man of hers who performs good works.  So unlike Nan herself!  I hope she isn’t going to be so silly as to let it come to anything; they’d both be miserable.  But I should think Nan knows better than to marry a square-toes.  I daresay he knows better too, really....  And how’s poor old Neville?  I think this doctoring game of hers is simply a scream, the poor old dear.”

To hear Rosalind discussing Neville....  Messalina coarsely patronising a wood-nymph ... the cat striking her claws into a singing bird....  And poor—­and old!  Neville was, indeed, six years ahead of Rosalind, but she looked the younger of the two, in her slim activity, and didn’t need to paint her face either.  Mrs. Hilary all but said so.

“It is a great interest to Neville, taking up her medical studies again,” was all she could really say. (What a hampering thing it is to be a lady!) “She thoroughly enjoys it, and looks younger than ever.  She is playing a lot of tennis, and beats them all.”

Project Gutenberg
Dangerous Ages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.