Shelburne, Lord, 287, 291
Sherlock, Bishop, 85, 86, 100 n, 177, 178
Shirley, Walter, 360
‘Short Way to Truth,’ Jones of Nayland’s, 220
Simeon, Charles, 393
Sincerity in inquiry, 122
Slave trade, 24, 395-6
Smalridge, Bishop, 46, 161
Societies, religious, 18
Socinianism, 129, 215, 225
Somers, Lord, 14, 52
Sorbonne, 151
South, Dr., 172, 311
Southey, Robert, 16, 364
S.P.C.K., 17, 18, 29, 48, 286
S.P.G., 17, 48
Spener, 38, 47, 251
Spinckes, Nathaniel, 39
Spirit, work of the Holy, 119, 287
Spiritual Discernment, 228
Stackhouse, Thomas, 288
Stage, state of, in eighteenth century, 303
Stained glass, 422
Stainforth, Sampson, 355
State prayers, 67
—— services, 437
Steele, Sir R., 111, 304
Stillingfleet, Bishop, 103
—— of Hotham, 393
‘Strictures on Female Education,’ H. More’s, 400
Subscription to articles, 191-5
Sunday observance, 475
—— schools, 299 n
Surplice, 446
Swift, Dean, 111, 288 n
Tauler, 254, 268, 271, 273
Teignmouth, Lord, 398
Tenison, Archbishop, 161, 174
Test Act, 183
‘Theron and Aspasio,’ Hervey’s, 358, 368-9, 385
Thoresby, Ralph, 49
Thornton, Henry, 395
—— John, 372, 393, 395
Thorold, Sir John, 355
‘Thoughts on the Manners of the Great,’ H. More’s, 400
Tillotson, Archbishop, 27, 53, 58, 77, 115-146, 182, 192, 301
Tindal, Matthew, 86-9, 103, 108
Toland, John, 79-80, 103, 108
Toleration, 13, 14
Tomline, Bishop, 192, 364
Toplady, Augustus, 362, 363, 365, 378
‘Treatise on Christian Doctrine of the Trinity,’ Watts’s, 217
Trevecca, 344, 351, 354
Trimnell, Bishop, 61
Trinitarian controversy, 4, 197-226
‘True Gospel of Jesus Christ asserted,’ Chubb’s, 90
‘—— Gospel of Jesus Christ vindicated,’ Chubb’s, 90
‘Tryal of the Witnesses,’ Sherlock’s, 86
Tucker, Dean, 191
Turretin, Professor, 152
Uniformity, 3
Unitarians, 129, 167, 194, 198, 224-7
Universities in the eighteenth century, 303
Ursinus, 161
Usages, sacramental, 455
Utilitarianism, 142
Venn, Henry, 253, 324, 344, 377-7
—— John, 375, 396
Vestments, 444, 455
‘View of the Deistical Writers,’ Leland’s, 100-1