Life of Charles Dickens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 214 pages of information about Life of Charles Dickens.

Life of Charles Dickens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 214 pages of information about Life of Charles Dickens.

Nicholson, Renton.—­Nicholson’s Sketches of Celebrated Characters.  London [1856], 8vo.

     Charles Dickens.  By Renton Nicholson, p. 11.

Nicoll, Henry J.—­Landmarks of English Literature.  By Henry J. Nicoll. 
London, 1883, 8vo.

     Dickens noticed, pp. 378-385.

Notes and Queries.  General Index to Notes and Queries.  Five Series.  London, 1856-80, 4to.

     Numerous references to C.D.

Parley.—­Parley’s Penny Library.  London, [1841], 18mo.

     Charles Dickens, with a portrait, vol. i.

——­Peter Parley’s Annual for 1871, etc.  London [1871], 8vo.

     Charles Dickens as Boy and Man, pp. 320-335.

Parton, James.—­Illustrious Men and their achievements; or, the people’s book of biography.  New York [1882], 8vo.

     Charles Dickens as a Citizen, pp. 831-841.

——­Some noted Princes, Authors, and Statesmen of our time.  By Canon Farrar, James T. Fields, Archibald Forbes, etc.  Edited by James Parton.  New York [1886], 4to.

     Dickens with his children, by Mamie Dickens, pp. 30-47,
     illustrated; Recollections of Dickens, by James T. Fields,
     pp. 48-51.

Payn, James.—­The Youth and Middle Age of Charles Dickens.  By James Payn.  Edinburgh, 1883, 8vo.

     Reprinted from Chambers’s Journal, January 1872, February
     1873, March 1874.

——­Some literary recollections.  By James Payn.  London, 1884, 8vo.

     Chapter vi., First meeting with Dickens.  Reprinted from The
     Cornhill Magazine

Pemberton, T. Edgar.—­Dickens’s London; or, London in the works of Charles Dickens.  By T. Edgar Pemberton.  London, 1876, 8vo.

Perkins, F.B.—­Charles Dickens:  a sketch of his life and works.  By F.B.  Perkins.  New York, 1870, 12mo.

Pierce, Gilbert A.—­The Dickens Dictionary.  A key to the characters and principal incidents in the tales of Charles Dickens.  By Gilbert A. Pierce.  Illustrated.  Boston [U.S.], 1872, 12mo.

——­Another edition.  London, 1878, 8vo.

Poe, Edgar A.—­The Literati:  some honest opinions about autorial merits and demerits, etc.  By Edgar A. Poe.  New York, 1850, 8vo.

     Notice of “Barnaby Rudge,” pp. 464-482.

——­The works of E.A.  Poe. 4 vols.  Edinburgh, 1875, 8vo.

     Vol. 3, Marginalia, Dickens’s “Old Curiosity Shop,” and
     Dickens and Bulwer, pp. 373-375.

Powell, Thomas.—­The Living Authors of England.  By Thos.  Powell.  New York, 1849, 8vo.

     Charles Dickens, pp. 153-178.

——­Pictures of the Living Authors of Britain.  By Thos.  Powell.  London, 1851, 8vo.

     Charles Dickens, pp. 88-115.

Pryde, David.—­The Genius and Writings of Charles Dickens.  By David Pryde.  Edinburgh, 1869, 8vo.

Reeve, Lovell A.—­Portraits of men of eminence in literature, science, and art, with biographical memoirs. [Vols. iii.-vi. by E. Walford]. 6 vols.  London, 1863-67, 8vo.

Project Gutenberg
Life of Charles Dickens from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.