are cordially felt by the President and the great
body of our nation. We wish no occasion to be
omitted of impressing the National Assembly with this
truth. We had expected, ere this, that in consequence
of the recommendation of their predecessors, some
overtures would have been made to us on the subject
of a treaty of commerce. An authentic copy of
the recommendation was delivered, but nothing said
about carrying it into effect. Perhaps they expect
that we should declare our readiness to meet them
on the ground of treaty. If they do, we have no
hesitation to declare it. In the mean time, if
the present communications produce any sensation,
perhaps it may furnish a good occasion to endeavor
to have matters re-placed in statu quo, by
repealing the late innovations as to our ships, tobacco,
and whale-oil. It is right that things should
be on their ancient footing, at opening the treaty.
M. Ternant has applied here for four hundred thousand
dollars for the succor of the French colonies.
The Secretary of the Treasury has reason to believe,
that the late loan at Antwerp has paid up all our
arrearages to France, both of principal and interest,
and consequently, that there is no part of our debt
exigible at this time. However, the legislature
having authorized the President to proceed in borrowing
to pay off the residue, provided it can be done to
the advantage of the United States, it is thought the
law will be satisfied with avoiding loss to the United
States. This has obliged the Secretary of the
Treasury to require some conditions, which may remove
from us that loss which we encountered, from an unfavorable
exchange, to pay what was exigible, and transfer it
to France as to payments not exigible. These
shall be fully detailed to you when settled.
In the mean time, the money will be furnished as far
as it can be done. Indeed, our wishes are cordial
for the re-establishment of peace and commerce in
those colonies, and to give such proofs of our good
faith both to them and the mother country, as to suppress
all that jealousy which might oppose itself to the
free exchange of our mutual productions, so essential
to the prosperity of those colonies, and to the preservation
of our agricultural interest. This is our true
interest, and our true object, and we have no reason
to conceal views so justifiable, though the expression
of them may require that the occasions be proper and
the terms chosen with delicacy. The gazettes
will inform you of the proceedings of Congress, the
laws passed and proposed, and generally speaking,
of all public transactions. You will perceive
that the Indian war calls for sensible exertions.
It would have been a trifle had we only avowed enemies
to contend with. The British court have disavowed
all aid to the Indians. Whatever may have been
their orders in that direction, the Indians are fully
and notoriously supplied by their agents with every
thing necessary to carry on the war. Time will
show how all this is to end. Besides the laws,
journals, and newspapers, before mentioned, you will
receive herewith the State constitutions, the census,
and almanac, and an answer to Lord Sheffield on our
commerce. A cipher is ready for you, but cannot
be sent till we can find a trusty passenger going
to Paris.