Millet needs about two months to grow in, but if sowed late in July it will seem to “hurry up,” and make a very respectable showing in less time. We have sown it in August, and obtained a paying crop, but do not recommend it for such late seeding, as there are other plants that will give better satisfaction. Golden millet has been cultivated but a few years in this country, and as yet is but little known, but from a few trials we have been quite favorably impressed with it. It is coarser than the other varieties, but cattle appear to be very fond of it nevertheless. It resembles corn in its growth nearly as much as grass, and, compared with the former, it is fine and soft, and it cures readily, like grass, and may be packed away in hay mows with perfect safety. It is about two weeks later than the other millets, and consequently cannot be grown in quite so short a time, although it may produce as much weight to the acre, in a given period, as either of the other more common varieties. A bushel of seed per acre is not too much for either variety of millet.—N.E. Farmer.
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