Lauder, William.—An essay on Milton’s use and imitation of the moderns in his Paradise Lost. [With a preface by Dr. Johnson.] London, 1750, 8vo.
—— A letter to the reverend Mr. Douglas, occasioned by his vindication of Milton, etc. [Written by Dr. Johnson.] London, 1751, 4to.
—— An apology for Mr. Lauder [written by himself] in a letter most humbly addressed to his grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1751, 8vo.
—— Delectus auctorum sacrorum, Miltono facem praelucentium. 2 tom. London, 1752, 8vo.
—— King Charles I. vindicated from the charge of plagiarism brought against him by Milton, etc. To the whole is subjoined the Judgment of several learned and impartial authors concerning Milton’s political writings. London, 1754, 8vo.
L’Estrange, R.—No Blind Guides, in answer to a seditious pamphlet of Milton’s, intituled Brief notes upon a late sermon titl’d The fear of God and the King, preach’d and since publish’d. By M. Griffith, etc. London, 1660, 4to.
Letters.—Letters concerning poetical translations and Virgil’s and Milton’s Arts of Verse, etc. London, 1739, 8vo.
Liebert, Gustav.—Milton. Studien zur
Geschichte des englischen Geistes.
Hamburg, 1860, 8vo.
Lotheissen, Ferdinand.—Studien ueber John Milton’s poetische Werke. Budingen, 1860, 4to.
Lowell, James Russell.—Among my Books.
Second series. London, 1876, 8vo.
Milton, pp. 252-302.
M.J.A.—An introduction to the Study of
Shakespeare and Milton. [By
J.A.M. With selections from their works.] London
[1884], 8vo.
Macaulay, Thomas Babington.—Critical and
historical essays contributed
to the Edinburgh Review. 2 vols. London, 1854,
Milton, vol. i.,
pp. 1-28.
—— The Miscellaneous Writings of
Lord Macaulay. London, 1860, 8vo.
Conversation between
Mr. Abraham Cowley and Mr. John Milton
touching the great
Civil War, vol. i., pp. 101-124.
—— An Essay on the Life and Works of John Milton, together with the imaginary conversation between him and H. Cowley. London, 1868, 8vo.
—— Milton’s Essay on Milton. From the Edinburgh Review. With introductory notice and notes. London, 1872, 16mo.
—— John Milton. [A biographical sketch.] Boston, 1877, 16mo.
—— Macaulay’s Milton, edited to illustrate the laws of Rhetoric and Composition, by Alexander Mackie. London, 1884, 8vo.
Maceuen, Malcolm.—Celebrities of the Past
and Present. Philadelphia, 1874, 8vo.
Milton and Poetry,
pp. 195-202.
Mackenzie, Sir George.—Jus Regium: or, the just and solid foundations of monarchy in general maintain’d against Buchanan, Dolman, Milton, etc. Edinburgh, 1684, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1684, 8vo.
McNicoll, Thomas.—Essays on English Literature.
London, 1861, 8vo.
Milton and Pollok,
pp. 65-111.