Life of John Milton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 268 pages of information about Life of John Milton.

Life of John Milton eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 268 pages of information about Life of John Milton.

Bodmer, J. Jacob.—­J.J.  Bodmer’s critische Abhandlung, von dem
Wunderbaren in der Poesie in einer Vertheidigung des Gedichtes J.
Milton’s von dem verlohrnen Paradiese, etc.  Zuerich, 1740, 8vo.

Bradburn, Eliza W.—­The Story of Paradise Lost, for children.  Portland, 1830, 16mo.

Brooke, Stopford A.—­Milton. [An account of his life and works.]
London, 1879, 8vo. 
      Part of the series entitled Classical Writers, ed.  J.R.  Green.

Bruce, Archibald.—­A critical account of the life, character, and discourses of Mr. Alexander Morus, in which the attack made upon him in the writings of Milton is particularly considered.  Edinburgh, 1813, 8vo.

Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton.—­The Life of John Milton.  London [1835], 8vo.

Bulwer Lytton, E.—­The Siamese Twins, etc.  London, 1831, 8vo. 
      Milton, a poem, pp. 315-362.

Burney, Charles.—­Remarks on the Greek Verses of Milton. [London, 1790], 8vo.

Buckland, Anna.—­The Story of English Literature.  London, 1882, 8vo. 
      Milton, pp. 230-296.

Callander, John.—­Letter and Report respecting the Unpublished
Commentary on Milton’s Paradise Lost, by the late John Callander, of
Craigforth, Esq., in the possession of the Society. (Archaeologia
, vol. iii., 1831, pp. 83-91.) Edinburgh, 1831, 4to.

Camerini, Eugenio.—­Profili Letterari.  Firenze, 1870, 8vo. 
      Milton e l’Italia, pp. 264-274.

Cann, Miss Christian.—­A scriptural and allegorical glossary to
Milton’s Paradise Lost.  London [1828], 8vo.

Carpenter, William.—­The Life and Times of John Milton.  London [1836], 8vo.

Channing, William Ellery.—­Remarks on the Character and Writings of John Milton; occasioned by the publication of his lately discovered “Treatise on Christian Doctrine.”  From the Christian Examiner, vol. iii., No. 1.  Boston, 1826, 8vo.

Charles I.—­By the King.  A Proclamation for calling in and suppressing of two books written by John Milton:  the one Intituled Johannis Miltoni Angli pro Populo Anglicano defensio, etc., and the other, The Pourtraicture of his Sacred Majesty, etc.  London, 1660, s. sh. fol.

——­ The Life and Reigne of King Charls; or, the Pseudo-Martyr
discovered, etc.  London, 1651, 8vo. 
      In the Bodleian Catalogue this work is erroneously stated to be by
      John Milton.

Chassang, A., and Marcou, F.L.—­Les Chefs-d’Oeuvre Epiques de tous les
peuples.  Paris, 1879, 8vo. 
      Milton, pp. 279-297.

Clarke, Samuel.—­Some reflections on that part of a book called Amyntor, or the defence of Milton’s life, which relates to the writings of the primitive fathers, etc. (Letter to Mr. Dodwell, etc., pp. 451-475.) London, 1781, 8vo.

Cleveland, C.D.—­A Complete Concordance to the Poetical Works of John
Milton.  London, 1867, 8vo.

Project Gutenberg
Life of John Milton from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.