a o what y i hymn e a there c s cite e a freight c k cap i e police ch sh machine i e sir ch k chord o u son g j cage o oo to n ng rink o oo would s z rose o a corn s sh sugar o u worm x gz examine u oo pull gh f laugh u oo rude ph f sylph y i my qu k pique qu kw quick
The most common faults of articulation are dropping an unaccented vowel, sounding incorrectly an unaccented vowel, suppressing final consonants, omitting or mispronouncing syllables, and blending words.
1. Dropping an unaccented vocal.
gran’a-ry gran’ry a-ban’don a-ban-d’n im-mor’tal im-mor-t’l reg’u-lar reg’lar in-clem’ent in-clem’nt par-tic’u-lar par-tic’lar des’ti-ny des-t’ny cal-cu-la’tian cal-cl’a-sh’n un-cer’tain un-cer-t’n oc-ca’sion oc-ca-sh’n em’i-nent em’nent ef’i-gy ef’gy ag’o-ny ag’ny man’i-fold man’fold rev’er-ent rev’rent cul’ti-vate cult’vate
2. Sounding incorrectly an unaccented vowel.
lam-en-ta’-tion lam-un-ta-tion ter’ri-ble ter-rub-ble e-ter’nal e-ter-nul fel’on-y fel-er-ny ob’sti-nate ob-stun-it fel’low-ship fel-ler-ship e-vent’ uv-ent cal’cu-late cal-ker-late ef’fort uf-fort reg’u-lar reg-gy-lur
The vocals most likely to be dropped or incorrectly sounded are italicized.
He attended divine service regularly.
This is my particular request.
She is universally esteemed.
George is sensible of his fault.
This calculation is incorrect.
What a terrible calamity.
His eye through vast immensity can pierce.
Observe these nice dependencies.
He is a formidable adversary.
He is generous to his friends.
A tempest desolated the land.
He preferred death to servitude.
God is the author of all things visible
and invisible.
3. Suppressing the final subvocals or aspirates.
John an’ James are frien’s
o’ my father.
Gi’ me some bread.
The want o’ men is occasioned by
the want o’ money.
We seldom fine’ men o’ principle
to ac’ thus.
Beas’ an’ creepin’ things
were foun’ there.