Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (2 of 12) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 56 pages of information about Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6).

Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (2 of 12) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 56 pages of information about Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6).
Moreouer, he sticked not to put him in feare of an euill end, and troublesome regiment likelie to insue, if he did giue himselfe to vice and wilfulnesse, & neglect the charge thus by the prouidence of god committed to his hands.  After this maner did the said prelat trauell with the king, whom we will leaue at this time as it were hearkening to his admonitions, and set foorth by the waie what his brother Robert did, whilest William Rufus his brother was occupied in such wise as you haue heard.

It happened that this Robert was abroad in Germanie, when king William his father died (whither he went to raise a power, to the intent he might therby obteine the possession of Normandie, which he trusted to enioy in his fathers life time) where hearing newes of his death, he hasted straightwaies into Normandie, and there being ioyfullie receiued, was peaceablie proclaimed duke of that countrie, with great gladnesse and shouting of the people.

[Sidenote:  1088.] After this, considering with himselfe how dishonorable a thing it was for him, that his yoonger brother should possesse the crowne of England, which of right (as he said) belonged vnto him, by reason of his age; he determined with all expedition to passe the seas with an armie, and recouer that into his hands, which his father had giuen from him, partlie (as it is thought) for his wilfulnesse and disobedience towards him, and partly also bicause he doubted that if he should leaue it vnto him, he would through his too much gentlenesse and facilitie, giue occasion to the English to resume strength, and therby to reuolt.  Wherefore he iudged his yoonger brother the saied William (a man of a rougher nature) the meeter of the twaine for the gouernement.

As duke Robert was thus mooued by his owne desire to bereue his brother of the dominion of England, so he was not a little incensed thervnto by such of the English Nobilitie and Normans, as came dailie ouer vnto him out of the realme, complaining of the present state of the world, as those misliked of the whole maner of regiment vsed in the beginning of the reigne of his brother William.  His vncle Odo also (then bishop of Baieux) furthered the matter all that he might.  This Odo was at first in great estimation with his brother the Conqueror, and bare great rule vnder him, till at length for enuie that the archbishop Lanfranke was preferred before him, he conspired against him, who vnderstanding thereof, committed him foorthwith to prison, where he remained, till the said prince then lieng on his death-bed, released and restored him to his former libertie.  When the king was dead, William Rufus tooke him backe into England, supposing no lesse but to haue had a speciall freend and a trustie counceller of him in all his affaires.  But yer long after his comming thither, he fell againe into the same offense of ingratitude, wherof he became culpable in the Conquerors daies:  for perceiuing that Lanfranke was so highlie esteemed with the king,

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Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (2 of 12) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.