Aunt Phillis's Cabin eBook

Seth and Mary Eastman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Aunt Phillis's Cabin.

Aunt Phillis's Cabin eBook

Seth and Mary Eastman
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Aunt Phillis's Cabin.

Cousin Janet, as she was called by them all, was a dependant and distant relation; a friend faithful and unfailing; a bright example of all that is holy and good in the Christian character.  She assisted Mrs. Weston greatly in the many cares that devolved on the mistress of a plantation, especially in instructing the young female servants in knitting and sewing, and in such household duties as would make them useful in that state of life in which it had pleased God to place them.  Her heart was full of love to all God’s creatures; the servants came to her with their little ailings and grievances, and she had always a soothing remedy—­some little specific for a bodily sickness, with a word of advice and kindness, and, if the case required it, of gentle reproof for complaints of another nature.  Cousin Janet was an old maid, yet many an orphan and friendless child had shed tears upon her bosom; some, whose hands she had folded together in prayer as they knelt beside her, learning from her lips a child’s simple petition, had long ago laid down to sleep for ever; some are living still, surrounded by the halo of their good influence.  There was one, of whom we shall speak by-and-by, who was to her a source of great anxiety, and the constant subject of her thoughts and fervent prayers.

Many years had gone by since she had accepted Mr. Weston’s earnest entreaty to make Exeter her home; and although the bread she eat was that of charity, yet she brought a blessing upon the house that sheltered her, by her presence:  she was one of the chosen ones of the Lord.  Even in this day, it is possible to entertain an angel unawares.  She is before you, reader, in all the dignity of old age, of a long life drawing to a close; still to the last, she works while it is yet day!

With her dove-colored dress, and her muslin three-cornered handkerchief, pinned precisely at the waist and over her bosom, with her eyes sunken and dim, but expressive, with the wrinkles so many and so deep, and the thin, white folds of her satin-looking hair parted under her cap; with her silver knitting-sheath attached to her side, and her needles in ever busy hands, Cousin Janet would perhaps first arrest the attention of a stranger, in spite of the glowing cheek and golden curls that were contrasting with her.  It was the beauty of old age and youth, side by side.  Alice’s face in its full perfection did not mar the loveliness of hers; the violet eyes of the one, with their long sweep of eyelash, could not eclipse the mild but deep expression of the other.  The rich burden of glossy hair was lovely, but so were the white locks; and the slight but rounded form was only compared in its youthful grace to the almost shadowy dignity of old age.

Project Gutenberg
Aunt Phillis's Cabin from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.