Roebling, John A., 217
Rubies, 128
Rum, 137
Rye, 24
Sable, 74
Sago, 49
palm, 50
Salt, 78, 79
marine, 78
rock, 78
spring, 79
Saltpetre, 100
Saracens, 168
Scarlet, 138
Schools of painting, 184
Sciences, Arts and, 190
Sculpture, 160
Seal, an animal, 74
Senate, 147
Sesostris, 177
Seville orange, 62
Shoes, 72
Sicilians, 23
Sidon, 167
Silex, 153
Silicious earths, 152
Silk, 41, 45
worm, 42-43
Silver, 119
Slate, 149
Snow, 16
Soap, 105
Soda, 105
Specific Weight, 202
Spectacles, 94
Spectrum, 208
Spermaceti, 106
Spinning-jenny, 30
Spirits of wine, 137
Sponge, 108
Starch, 133
Steam engine, 102
navigation, 103
Steel, 150
Stethoscope, 204
Stereoscope, 209
Stereotyping, 212
Still, 137
Stockings, 71
Strata, 151
Suez Canal, 216
Sugar, 48
candy, 49
barley, 49
maple, 49
Sulphur, 124
Sumatra, 66
Suspension Bridges, 217
Tallow, 106
tree, 106
Tamarinds, 67
Tan, 73
Tapioca, 134
Tar, 139
Tasimeter, 206
Tasmania, 31
Tea, 25
Telegraph, 104, 213
Telephone, 204
Telescope, 101
Thebes, 43
Thermometer, 97
Thermo-Electricity, 211
Thibet Goat, 46
Thunder, 17
Tides, 201
Tin, 120
Tobacco, 91
Toddy, 34
Tortoise, 178
Tower, leaning of Pisa, 172
Troy, 177
Turpentine, 143
Turquois, 129
Tuscans, 182
Twilight, 21
Tyre, 167
United States Government, 147
Vapor, 14
Vellum, 60
Velvet, 45
Venice, 171
Venus, 171
Vine, 136
Vinegar, 138
Vitriol, 75
Volcanic formations, 152
Volcano, 154
Vulcanite, 108
Watches, 98
Water, 14
melon, 67
of by vegetables, 15
tree, 88