Legacy, A Puzzling, 20, 161.
Legal Difficulty, A, 23, 163.
Le Plongeon, Dr., 29.
Block Puzzle, The, 60, 194.
Blocks, The Thirty-six, 91, 216.
Puzzle, The Fifteen, 79, 205.
Level Puzzle, The, 74, 202.
Cutting, 48, 181.
Puzzle, Another, 49, 181.
and the Man, The, 97, 224.
Hunting, 94, 222.
and Crowns, 85, 212.
The Four, 88, 214.
Lockers Puzzle, The, 14, 156.
Locomotion and Speed Puzzles, 11.
Lodging-house Difficulty, A, 61, 194.
London and Wise, 131.
Loyd, Sam, 8, 43, 44, 98, 144, 232, 233.
Lucas, Edouard, 16, 76, 112, 121.
Luncheons, The City, 77, 203.
MacMahon, Major, 109.
Knight’s Tour, 127, 247.
Square Problems, 119.
—— Card, 123, 244.
—— of Composites, 127, 246.
—— of Primes, 125.
—— of Two Degrees, 125, 245.
—— Two New, 125, 245.
Strips, 121, 243.
Magics, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing, 124.
Maiden, The Languishing, 97, 224.
Puzzle, The, 103, 230.
“T” Puzzle, The, 126, 246.
Marketing, Saturday, 27, 168.
Market Women, The, 3, 149.
Mary and Marmaduke, 7, 152.
Mary, How Old was, 8, 153.
Massacre of Innocents, 139.
Mystery, A, 118, 241.
Puzzle, A New, 55, 188.
Mates, Thirty-six, 106, 233.
Mazes and how to thread Them, 127.
Weighing, and Packing Puzzles, 109.
Puzzle, New, 110, 235.
Meeting, The Suffragists’, 19, 161.
Mellor, W.M.F., 242.
Menages, Probleme de, 76.
Mersenne, M., 168.
Mice, Catching the, 65, 196.
Milkmaid Puzzle, The, 50, 183.
Millionaire’s Perplexity, The, 3, 149.
Mince Pies, The Twelve, 57, 191.
Mine, Inspecting a, 71, 199.
Miners’ Holiday, The, 23, 163.
Miser, The Converted, 21, 162.
Mitre, Dissecting a, 35, 170.
Monad, The Great, 39, 174.
A Queer Thing in, 2, 148.
Boxes, The Puzzling, 3, 149.
Pocket, 3, 149.
Puzzles, 1.
Puzzle, A New, 2, 148.
Square, 3, 149.