Dogs Puzzle, The Five, 92, 218.
Domestic Economy, 5, 151.
Domino Frame Puzzle, The, 114, 238.
in Progression, 114, 237.
The Eighteen, 123, 245.
The Fifteen, 83, 209.
The Five, 114, 238.
Donkey Riding, 13, 155.
Dormitory Puzzle, A, 81, 208.
Dovetailed Block, The, 145, 249.
Drayton’s Polyolbion, 58.
Dungeon Puzzle, A, 97, 224.
The Siberian, 123, 244.
The Spanish, 122, 244.
Dutchmen’s Wives, The, 26, 167.
Dynamical Chess Puzzles, 96.
Earth’s Girdle, The, 139.
Educational Times Reprints, 204.
A Deal in, 3, 149.
Obtaining the, 140.
The Muddletown, 19, 161.
The Parish Council, 19, 161.
Eleven, The Mystic, 16, 159.
Elopements, The Four, 113, 237.
Elrick, E., 231.
Engines, The Eight, 61, 194.
Episcopal Visitation, An, 98, 225.
Estate, Farmer Wurzel’s, 51, 184.
Estates, The Yorkshire, 51, 183.
Euclid, 31, 138.
Euler, L., 165.
Exchange Puzzle, The, 66, 196.
Fallacy, A Chessboard, 141, 247.
Family Party, A, 8, 153.
Fare, The Passenger’s, 13, 155.
Farmer and his Sheep, The, 22, 163.
Fence Problem, A, 21, 162.
Fences, The Landowner’s, 42, 178.
Fermat, 164, 168.
Find the Man’s Wife, 147, 251.
Fly on the Octahedron, The, 70, 198.
Fog, Mr. Gubbins in a, 18, 161.
Football Players, The, 116, 240.
Fraction, A Puzzling, 138.
Fractions, More Mixed, 16, 159.
Puzzle, The Card, 114, 238.
—— The Domino, 114, 238.
Frankenstein, E.N., 232.
Frenicle, B., 119, 168.
The Educated, 59, 194-
The Four, 103, 229.
The Six, 59, 193.
Frost, A.H., 120.
Puzzle, 117.
Problems concerning, 114.
Lady Belinda’s, 52, 186.
Puzzle, The, 49, 182.
Gardener and the Cook, The, 146, 251.
Problems, 27.
Puzzles, Various, 49.
George and the Dragon, St., 101, 227.
Getting Upstairs, Such a, 143, 248.
Girdle, the Earth’s, 139.