A Sixth-Century Fragment of the Letters of Pliny the Younger eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 108 pages of information about A Sixth-Century Fragment of the Letters of Pliny the Younger.

A Sixth-Century Fragment of the Letters of Pliny the Younger eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 108 pages of information about A Sixth-Century Fragment of the Letters of Pliny the Younger.

fo. 50v, line 2, de-lectatur
               3, co-moedis
               4, uolupta-tes
               5, ali-quid
               6, lon-gum
              11, senec-tut
              12, uo-to
              13, ingres-surus
              14, ae-tatis
              15, in-terim
              16, ho-rum
              20, re-xit
              21, me-ruit
              22, eun-dem
              25, epis-tulam

fo. 51r, line 2, mi-hi
               4, afria-nus
               6, facultati-bus
               7, super-sunt
               8, gra-uitate
               9, consi-lio
              10, ut-or
              13, ar-dentius
              23, con-feras
              24, habe-bis
              27, concu-piscat

fo. 51v, line 3, san-ctissimum
               5, memo-riam
              10, pater-nus
              11, contige-rit
              12, lau-de
              14, hones-tis
              15, refe-rat
              17, contuber-nium
              21, circumspi-ciendus
              22, scho-lae
              24, nos-tro
              27, praecep-tor

fo. 52r, line 2, demon-strare
               5, iudi-cio
               6, gra-uis
               8, quan-tum
               9, cre-dere
              12, mag-nasque
              13, ge-nitore
              16, nes[cis]-se
              19, nomi-na
              20, fauen-tibus
              23, dis-citur

fo. 52v, line 1, uidean-tur
               3, con-silium
               5, concu-pisco
               6, pecu-nia
               7, excucuris-sem
              10, se-natu
              12, ne-cessitatibus
              19, postulaue-runt
              21, bae-bium
              23, clari-sima
              25, in-quam
              26, excusa-tionis

fo. 53r, line 1, com (or con)-pulit
               5, ueni-ebat
               7, iniu-rias
               8, ex-secutos
              10, prae-terea
              12, aduoca-tione
              13, con-seruandum
              15, com-paratum
              16, sub-uertas
              17, cumu-les
              18, obliga-ti
              23, tris-tissimum

fo. 53v, line 2, facili-orem
               3, si-quis
               5, offi-ciorum
               7, praepara-tur
               8, super-est
              10, sim-plicitas
              11, compro-bantis
              14, diligen-ter
              20, cog-nitio
              22, milita-ret
              26, exsol-uit

[Footnote 12:  Such a division as ut|_or_ on fol. 7, l. 10, is due
entirely to thoughtless copying.  The scribe probably took ut for a

Project Gutenberg
A Sixth-Century Fragment of the Letters of Pliny the Younger from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.