Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 eBook

Julian Corbett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816.

Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 eBook

Julian Corbett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816.

Pigot, Admiral Hugh, 212, 228-9 n., 237, 255, 260

Popham, Admiral Sir Home, 254, 335-6

Prayers, 33, 36, 52

Preparative signals, 269

Prizes, treatment of, 103, 112

Quarter line, 209, 216-7, 225, 242, 269-71, 344;
  at Trafalgar, 311-2

Quarters, 41-2, 58-9, 62, 69-70

Raking, 170, 221

Ralegh, Sir Walter, 27 et seq., 50

Rear-concentration, 143-4, 145 n., 180, 221, 226, 238, 249, 263, 289,
    293, 310, 313-9, 330-3, 339-41

Repeating ships, 142, 199, 243, 271, 305 n., 308, 344

Reserve, Corps de, 205, 214, 219, 221, 227, 241, 243, 269, 272, 276,
    335. 345.
  See also Equalising and Quitting the line

Reserve squadrons, 7, 12, 50-1, 67, 71

Retreat, order of, 94 and n., 165.
  See also Dispersing

Rockets as signals, 163 n.

Rodney, Lord, 184-5, 2O9, 211-3;
  Additional Instructions used by, 225, 227 n., 228 n., 236-7,
    255-62, 284-5, 287

Rooke, Admiral Sir George, 187, 195-9, 207

Rupert, Prince, 111-2, 115-7;
  Instructions of, 129-30, 133-6, 159 n., 169

Russell, Admiral Edward, Earl of Orford, 175 et seq., 187-96,
    233 n.

Ruyter, Admiral Michiel de, 87, 119, 156 n.

Sailing order, see Order of sailing

Sailors serving ashore, 37, 56

Sandwich, Edward Mountagu, Earl of, 82, 107-9, 111-2, 165

Saumarez, Admiral Lord de, 262

Scouts, see Cruisers

Sealed orders, 38

Seamen gunners, 35, 41

Ship-money fleets, 76-7

Ships, lists of, 20-2, 65-6, 71, 166
  Achille, 352
  Agamemnon, 301, 303-4, 311 n.
  Anne Royal, 63, 65
  Assurance, 81
  Bahama, 352
  Belleisle, 294, 300, 304, 357
  Bellerophon, 300, 304, 305 n., 357
  Britannia, 195, 354
  Bucentaure, 309, 351
  Colossus, 300-1, 303-6, 352, 357
  Conqueror, 299,305 n., 351 n
  Defence, 295, 301, 303-4
  Defiance, 305 n
  Dreadnought (1578), 65;
    (1805), 354
  Euryalus, 305 n., 308-9
  Leviathan, 304, 351 n
  Marlborough, 253
  Mars, 300-1, 303-6, 357
  Neptune, 351 n
  Orion, 301-2, 304-5
  Pembroke, 169
  Polyphemus, 304
  Prince, 354
  Prince of Wales, 322
  Queen Charlotte, 252
  Redoutable, 309
  Revenge, 298, 311 n
  Royal Catherine, 169
  Royal Charles, 111, 128-9
  Royal James, 112 n
  Royal Sovereign, 300, 357
  St. George, 264
  Santa Ana, 309
  Santisima Trinidad, 309-10
  Shannon, 225
  Superb, 290
  Swiftsure, 352
  Temeraire, 300, 308, 310, 357
  Vanguard, 287
  Victory, 293, 299, 300, 305, 3O7-8, 357

Project Gutenberg
Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.