Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 eBook

Julian Corbett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816.

Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 eBook

Julian Corbett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816.


Additional Instructions, 113, 115, 126-8, 203-229

Admiral, station of, inline, 12, 15, 16, 22, 24, 61, 77, 88, 91, 100,
    123, 127, 166, 243-5, 276, 317.
  See also Flag, and Flagship

Advanced squadron, Nelson’s, 294, 300-6, 316-7, 319 n., 325

Ammunition, supply of, 69

Anchor, engaging at, 264, 277,

d’Annibault, Admiral, 18

Anson, Lord, 116, 204, 209-10, 216, 218 n., 285 n.

Argall, Sir Samuel, 49

Armada, 27-9, 32-5, 75, 283, 288

Attack, from to-windward, 31, 33-5, 42, 59, 95, 113, 126, 153, 155-6,
    170-1, 227, 246, 330-3.
  See also Line, breaking the
  Oblique, 143-5
  Parallel, 143, 148, 155-6, 170-1, 186, 191-2, 197, 218 n.,
    245, 266, 273, 324-5
  Perpendicular, 265, 307, 324
  On contrary tacks, 245;
    on opposite number, 211-2, 217-8, 227-3, 265, 377;
    in coming up, 277
  By defiling, 42-3, 51, 59, 65
  On superior fleet, 180-2, 236, 262-3, 276, 308, 346

Audley, Sir Thomas, 14-17

Augers, for scuttling, 13

Badiley, Captain Richard, 84

Ball, Admiral Sir Alexander, 303

Banckers, Admiral Adriaen, 156 n.

Barham, Admiral Lord, 293

Barrington, Admiral the Hon. Samuel, 258

Baskerville, Sir Thomas, his battle order, 29

Battle orders, see Order of Battle

  Gravelines (1588), 75, 283, 288
  Isla de Pinos (1596), 29
  Oquendo and Tromp (1639), 85
  Monte Christo (1652), 84
  Dungeness (1652), 93
  Portland (Feb. 1653), 94
  The Gabbard (June 1653), 97
  Lowestoft or Texel, No. 2 (1665), 113-4
  Four Days’ Battle (1066), 116-9, 134, 136-7
  St. James’s Fight (1666), 122 n., 138, 140-1
  Holmes’s action (1672), 169
  Solebay (1672), 138-9, 155 n., 169
  Schoonveldt (1673) 133, 156
  Texel, No. 3 (1673), 154 n., 157 n., 162 n., 182
  Beachy Head or Bevesier (1690), 177, 181
  La Hogue (1692), 180
  Malaga (1704), 184, 186, 195-6, 198 n.
  Toulon (1744), 188 n., 196, 205, 210
  Finisterre (Anson and De la Jonquiere, 1747), 209
  Finisterre (Hawke and L’Etenduere, 1747), 226 n.
  Havana (1748), 224 n.
  Minorca (1756), 218 n.
  Quiberon (1759), 186, 312
  Granada (1779), 258
  Martinique (1780), 211, 227 n.
  Chesapeake (1781), 212
  Les Saintes (1782), 211-2, 237
  First of June (1794), 256, 265, 283
  St. Vincent (1797), 254, 265, 267
  Camperdown (1797), 254, 266, 287
  The Nile (1798), 262, 312
  Copenhagen (1801), 264
  Trafalgar (1805), 257, 264, 266, 282 et seq., 321-7, 335-42, 351-8

Berkley, Admiral Sir William, 116

Project Gutenberg
Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.