A Collection of Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 116 pages of information about A Collection of Stories.

A Collection of Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 116 pages of information about A Collection of Stories.

LORETTA. [In dismay.] What shall I do?

NED. [Pausing.] Don’t you want to see him? [LORETTA shakes her head.]
Then don’t.

LORETTA. [Slowly.] I can’t do that.  We are old friends.  We . . . were children together. [To the MAID.] Send him in. [To NED, who has started to go out toward right.] Don’t go, Ned.

[MAID makes exit to left.]

NED. [Hesitating a moment.] I’ll come back.

[NED makes exit to right.]

[LORETTA, left alone on stage, shows perturbation and dismay.]

[BILLY enters from left.  Stands in doorway a moment.  His shoes are dusty.  He looks overheated.  His eyes and face brighten at sight of LORETTA.]

BILLY. [Stepping forward, ardently.] Loretta!

LORETTA. [Not exactly enthusiastic in her reception, going slowly to meet him.] You never said you were coming.

[BILLY shows that he expects to kiss her, but she merely shakes his hand.]

BILLY. [Looking down at his very dusty shoes.] I walked from the station.

LORETTA.  If you had let me know, the carriage would have been sent for you.

BILLY. [With expression of shrewdness.] If I had let you know, you wouldn’t have let me come.

[BILLY looks around stage cautiously, then tries to kiss her.]

LORETTA. [Refusing to be kissed. ] Won’t you sit down?

BILLY. [Coaxingly.] Go on, just one. [LORETTA shakes head and holds him off.] Why not?  We’re engaged.

LORETTA. [With decision. ] We’re not.  You know we’re not.  You know I broke it off the day before I came away.  And . . . and . . . you’d better sit down.

[BILLY sits down on edge of chair.  LORETTA seats herself by table.  Billy, without rising, jerks his chair forward till they are facing each other, his knees touching hers.  He yearns toward her.  She moves back her chair slightly.]

BILLY. [With supreme confidence.] That’s what I came to see you for—­to get engaged over again.

[BILLY hudges chair forward and tries to take her hand.]

[LORETTA hudges her chair back.]

BILLY. [Drawing out large silver watch and looking at it.] Now look here, Loretta, I haven’t any time to lose.  I’ve got to leave for that train in ten minutes.  And I want you to set the day.

LORETTA.  But we’re not engaged, Billy.  So there can’t be any setting of the day.

BILLY. [With confidence.] But we’re going to be. [Suddenly breaking out.] Oh, Loretta, if you only knew how I’ve suffered.  That first night I didn’t sleep a wink.  I haven’t slept much ever since. [Hudges chair forward.] I walk the floor all night. [Solemnly.] Loretta, I don’t eat enough to keep a canary bird alive.  Loretta . . . [Hudges chair forward.]

LORETTA. [Hudging her chair back maternally.] Billy, what you need is a tonic.  Have you seen Doctor Haskins?

Project Gutenberg
A Collection of Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.