Hymns, Songs, and Fables, for Young People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 85 pages of information about Hymns, Songs, and Fables, for Young People.

Hymns, Songs, and Fables, for Young People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 85 pages of information about Hymns, Songs, and Fables, for Young People.

“We have been exceedingly interested in this book, and recommend it as a beautiful picture of female piety and quiet heroism, set in a frame of history and tradition, that cannot fail to please every one connected, however remotely, with the land of the Puritans.  The accomplished author of ‘The Life of Jean Paul’ has produced an American novel which we should like to see followed by others illustrative of the facts and manners of the olden time.”—­Christian Inquirer.

THE MARRIAGE OFFERING.  Designed as a Gift to the Newly-married.  Edited by Rev. A.A.  LIVERMORE. 16mo. pp. 215.  Price, 50 cents.

“It was a happy thought that suggested such a volume.  We were not aware before that there was so much and so various Christian literature on the subject.”—­Christian Register.

MARTYRIA; a Legend, wherein are contained Homilies, Conversations, and Incidents of the Reign of Edward the Sixth.  Written by WILLIAM MOUNTFORD, Clerk.  With an Introduction to the American Edition, by Rev. F.D.  HUNTINGTON. 16mo. pp. 348.  Price, 75 cents.

“The charm of the book lies in the elevated tone of thought and moral sentiment which pervades it.  You feel, on closing the volume, as if leaving some ancient cathedral, where your soul had been mingling with ascending anthems and prayers.  There is scarcely a page which does not contain some fine strain of thought or sentiment, over which you shut the book that you may pause and meditate.

“We recommend the volume to our readers, with the assurance that they will find few works in the current literature of the day so well worth perusal.”—­Christian Register.

“This is really an original book.  We have seen nothing for a long time more fresh or true.  The writer has succeeded wonderfully, in taking himself and his readers into the heart of the age he describes.  What is more, he has uttered words and thoughts which stir up the deep places of the soul.  Let those read who wish to commune with the true and unpretending martyr-spirit, the spread of faith and endurance, courage, self denial, forgiveness, prayer.

“Of all the treatises we have ever read on marriage, we have seen none so good as one here called a ‘Marriage Sermon’; not that we would ask any couple to hear it all on their marriage day, but we commend it to all who are married, or intend to be.  The whole book is precious.”—­Providence Journal.

“There are few religious books which breathe a finer spirit than this singular volume.  The author’s mind seems to have meditated deeply on the awful realities of life.  In the thoughtful flow of his periods, and the grave, earnest eloquence of particular passages, we are sometimes reminded of the Old English prose writers.  The work is a ‘curiosity’ of literature, well worth an attentive perusal.”—­Graham’s Magazine.

A TRANSLATION OF PAUL’S EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS, with an Introduction and Notes.  By WILLIAM A. WHITWELL, Minister of the Congregational Society in Wilton, N.H. 16mo. pp. 116.  Price, 50 cents.

Project Gutenberg
Hymns, Songs, and Fables, for Young People from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.