The History of England eBook

Thomas Frederick Tout
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 713 pages of information about The History of England.

The History of England eBook

Thomas Frederick Tout
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 713 pages of information about The History of England.
Littleton’s Tenures
Llandaff, Bishop of. 
Llewelyn ap Griffith, Prince of Wales. 
Llewelyn ap Iorwerth, Prince of North Wales. 
Llewelyn Bren. 
Lochmaben Castle. 
Lodge’s Close of the Middle Ages
Loire, the river. 
  cities of. 
London, Bishops of. 
  See Sainte-Mere-Eglise, William of;
  Basset, Fulk;
  Baldock, Ralph;
  Courtenay, William. 
London, Mayors of. 
  See Serlo;
  Waleys, Henry le,
  and Pyel, John. 
London, Sheriffs of. 
  See FitzAthulf, Constantine. 
London, treaty of. 
Longman’s Life and Times of Edward III.
Longnon’s Atlas historique de la France
Longsword, William, Earl of Salisbury.  See Salisbury. 
Loserth’s Geschichte des spaeteren Mittelalters
Lot, the river. 
Lothians, the. 
Louis, Count of Evreux. 
Louis, Duke of Anjou, brother of Charles V. of France. 
Louis of Bavaria, the Emperor. 
Louis of France, afterwards Louis VIII. 
Louis IX. (St. Louis), King of France. 
Louis X., King of France. 
Louis of Male, Count of Flanders. 
Louis of Nevers, Count of Flanders. 
  Earldom of. 
Louth, John of Bermingham, Earl of. 
Luard, Dr. H.R., his Roberti Grosse-teste Epistolae;
  his editions of Annales Monastici;
  B. Cotton, and Flores Historiarum,
  and Matthew Paris’ Chronica Majora
Luce’s Jeunesse de Betrand du Guesclin;
  La France pendant la Guerre de Cent An
Luce and Raynouart’s edition of Froissart’s Chronicle.
Lucy, Anthony. 
Lundy Island. 
Lusignan, Alice of. 
Lusignan, Aymer of.  See Valence, Aymer de. 
Lusignan, Guy of. 
Lusignan, House of. 
Lusignan, Hugh X. of. 
Lusignan, Hugh XI. of. 
Lusignan (town). 
Lusignan, William of.  See Valence, William of. 
Lussac, bridge of. 
Luxemburg, house of. 
Lyons, Richard. 
Lyons, Council at (1245). 
Lyons, Council at (1274). 
Lyrics, English. 
Lys, the river.

Macaulay’s, G.C., edition of Gower’s Works
Mackinnon’s History of Edward III.
Macon, league of. 
Madden’s, Sir F., edition of Matthew Paris’ Historia Minor
Madog ap Llewelyn. 
Maes Madog, battle of. 
Mains.  Elector of. 
Maitland’s, F.W., Memoranda de Parliamento;
  Select Pleas of the Crown;
  Bracton’s Note Book;
  Le Mirroir des Justices;
  Select Passages from Bracton, etc.;
  Year Books of Edward II.
  and Canon Law
Maitland, F.W., and Pollock, Sir F., History of English Law.

Project Gutenberg
The History of England from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.