The History of England eBook

Thomas Frederick Tout
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 713 pages of information about The History of England.

The History of England eBook

Thomas Frederick Tout
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 713 pages of information about The History of England.
Harewell, John, Bishop of Bath. 
Harlech Castle. 
Harry’s, Blind, Wallace
Hastings, battle of. 
Hastings, John, first Earl of Pembroke.  See Pembroke. 
Hastings, John, second Earl of Pembroke.  See Pembroke. 
Hastingses of Abergavenny, the. 
Haureau’s Histoire de la philosophie scholastique
Hawkwood, John. 
Haydon’s ed. of Eulogium Historiarum
Hebrew, study of. 
Hebrews.  See also Jews. 
Hedingham Castle. 
Hengham, Justice. 
Henley, Walter of. 
Hemingburgh, Walter of. 
Henry I., King of England. 
Henry II.. 
Henry III.;
  chroniclers for the reign of. 
Henry VIII. 
Henry, King of the Romans, son of Frederick II. 
Henry II. of Navarre. 
Henry II. of Trastarnara, King of Castile. 
Henry, Earl of Derby, afterwards King Henry IV. 
Henry of Lancaster, younger son of Earl Edmund;
  Earl of Leicester;
  Earl of Lancaster. 
Henry of Grosmont, Earl of Derby, then Earl afterwards Duke of
  earldom of. 
Hereford, Bishops of. 
  See Aigueblanche, Peter of;
  Cantilupe, St. Thomas of;
  Orleton, Adam. 
Hereford, Humphrey Bohun, Earl of. 
Hereford, Humphrey Bohun, grandson of above, Earl of. 
Hereford, Humphrey Bohun, son of above, Earl of. 
Heretics, Albigensian. 
Hewlett’s editions of Chronicles
Higden’s, Randolph, Polychronicon
Highlands, the. 
Hingeston-Randelph’s Exeter Registers
History, study of. 
Hohenstaufen, the. 
Holderness, ruled by Counts of Aumale. 
Holland, Florence, Count of. 
Hollands, Earls of Kent. 
Holy Land, the.  See Palestine and Crusades. 
Holywood, John of.  See also Halifax. 
Honorius III, Pope. 
Honorius IV., Pope. 
Hood, Robin. 
Horn, Andrew. 
Horstmann, Dr., his Legenda Anglie
Horwood’s, A.L., editions of Year Books
Hospitallers, the. 
Hotham, John, Bishop of Ely. 
Hotham, William of, Archbishop of Dublin. 
Hougue, La. 
Hoveden, or Howden, Roger of;
  his continuator. 
Howlett’s ed. of Monumenta Franciscana
Howel the Good. 
Huelgas, las, monastery of. 
Hugh, Choir of St., at Lincoln. 
Hugh of Avalon, Bishop of Lincoln, St., Little St. Hugh of Lincoln. 
Hugh X., of Lusignan.  See also Lusignan. 
Hugh XI. of Lusignan.  See also Lusignan. 
Hulme, St. Benet’s. 
Humber, the.
Hundred Rolls, the. 
Hungary, Primate of, visits Canterbury. 
Hungerford, Sir Thomas. 
Hunter’s Leet Jurisdiction of Norwich;
  Rotuli Selecti
Huntingdon, David, Earl of. 
Huntingdon, Honour of. 
Huntingdon, Earl of, John the Scot. 
Huntingdon, Clinton, Earl of. 
Husbandry, Walter of Henley’s treatise on.

Project Gutenberg
The History of England from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.