The History of England eBook

Thomas Frederick Tout
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 713 pages of information about The History of England.

The History of England eBook

Thomas Frederick Tout
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 713 pages of information about The History of England.
Gilbert of Freynet. 
Gironde, the river. 
Glamorgan, lordship of. 
Glamorgan, Lords of.  See Gloucester, Earls of. 
Glasgow, Robert Wishart, Bishop of.  See Wishart. 
Glendower, Owen. 
  St. Peter’s Church;
  statute of;
  earldom of. 
Gloucester, Richard of Clare, Earl of. 
Gloucester, Earl of, Gilbert of Clare, son of the above. 
Gloucester, Earl of, Gilbert of Clare, son of the above. 
Gloucester, Ralph of Monthermer, Earl of. 
Gloucester, Audley, Earl of. 
Gloucester, Thomas of Woodstock, Earl of.  See Thomas. 
Gloucester, Isabella, Countess of.  See Isabella, Queen of King John. 
Gloucester, Robert of. 
Gomez, Peter, Cardinal. 
Gordon, Adam. 
Gothic architecture.  See Architecture. 
Gough’s Itinerary of Edward I
Gower, John;
  his works. 
Grampians, the. 
Grand, Richard le, Archbishop of Canterbury. 
Grandisons, the. 
Greek, study of. 
Greenfield, William, Archbishop of York. 
Gregory IX., Pope. 
Gregory X., Pope. 
Gregory XI, Pope. 
Grey, Reginald. 
Grey, Richard of. 
Grey’s Sir T., Scalachronica
Grey, Walter, Archbishop of York;
  his register. 
Griffith ap Gwenwynwyn. 
Griffith ap Llewelyn. 
Griffith of Welshpool. 
Grosmont, castle of. 
Grosmont, Henry of, Earl of Derby.  See Derby and Lancaster. 
Gross’s, C., Select Cases from the Coroners’ Rolls;
  his Bibliography of British Municipal History;
  his Sources of English History
Grosseteste, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln.
  his Epistoae
Gualo the legate. 
Guerande, treaty of. 
Guernsey.  See also Channel Islands. 
Guesclin, Bertrand du. 
Guienne.  See also Aquitaine and Gascony. 
Guillon, treaty of. 
Guines, Baldwin of. 
Guines, Count of. 
Gurney, Thomas. 
Guy of Brittany, Count of Penthievre. 
Guy of Dampierre, Count of Flanders. 
Guy of Lusignan, Lord of Cognac. 
Gwenwynwyn, house of. 
Gwynedd.  See also Wales, North. 
Gwynedd, house of.

Haddan and Stubbs’ Councils
Hadenham’s, Edmund of, Chronicle
Hainault, Counts of.  See John and William. 
Hainault, Countess of, Abbess of Fontenelles. 
Hainault, Philippa of.  See Philippa Queen. 
Hales, Alexander of. 
Halidon Hill, battle of. 
Halifax, John of. 
Hall’s, H., Customs Revenue
Hall’s, J, ed. of Minot’s Poems
Hamilton, H.C., ed. of Walter of Hemingburgh. 
Hapsburg, house of. 
Hapsburg, Rudolf of.  See Rudolf. 
Harclay, Andrew, governor of Carlisle.  See Carlisle, Earl of. 
Harcourt, Geoffrey of. 
Harcourts, the. 
Hardy, Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense

Project Gutenberg
The History of England from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.