The History of England eBook

Thomas Frederick Tout
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 713 pages of information about The History of England.

The History of England eBook

Thomas Frederick Tout
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 713 pages of information about The History of England.
Denbigh, town, lordship and castle of. 
Denifle’s Desolation des Eglises de France, etc.;
  his Entstehung der Universitaeten
Deprez’s Preliminaires de la Guerre de Cent Ans
Derby, Henry of Grosmont, Earl of.  See also Lancaster. 
Derby, Robert Ferrars, Earl of. 
Derby, Thomas, Earl of Lancaster and.  See Lancaster. 
Derby, William of Ferrars, Earl of. 
Deschamps, Eustace. 
Despenser, Eleanor de, wife of Hugh le Despenser, the younger. 
Despenser, Hugh, justiciar. 
Despenser, Hugh, the elder, Earl of Winchester, son of the justiciar. 
Despenser, Hugh, the younger, Lord of Glamorgan, son of the foregoing. 
Devizes, Castle of. 
Devon, earldom of, Falkes de Breaute as warden of. 
Devon, Courtenays, earls of.
Dictum de Kenilworth, the. 
Diserth, Castle of. 
Disinherited, the (after Evesham);
  the, Scotch.
Disseisin, novel. 
Dolwyddelen Castle. 
Dominic, St.
Don, the river. 
Donaldbane, brother of Malcolm Canmore. 
Dordogne, the river. 
Douglas, Sir Archibald. 
Douglas, Sir James. 
Douglas, Sir William. 
Douglas, Sir William (at Poitiers). 
Dover, town and castle;
  straits of. 
Dovey the river. 
Dowell’s, S., History of Taxation
Downs, the north;
  the south. 
Drokensford, Bishop of Bath and Wells. 
Dublin, Castle of. 
Dublin, Archbishop of.  See Hotham, William of, Archbishop of. 
Dubois, Peter. 
Dugdale’s Monasticon
Dunbar, battle of. 
Dunkeld, Bishop of. 
Duns Scotus. 
Dunstanville, house of. 
Dupplin Moor, battle of. 
  bishopric of;
  records of. 
Durham, Bishops of. 
  See Bek, Anthony;
  Beaumont, Louis de;
  and Bury, Richard of. 
Dynevor Castle.

Earn, the river. 
Eastminster, the, London. 
Eastry, Henry of, prior of Christ Church, Canterbury. 
Ebro, the river. 
Eccleston, William of, his De adventu fratrum minorun
Edinburgh, town and castle. 
Edington, church of. 
Edington, William of, Bishop of Winchester. 
Edmund of Almaine, Earl of Cornwall, son of Richard of Cornwall. 
Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, Leicester and Derby, some time titular King
of Sicily, son of Henry III. 
Edmund of Langley, son of Edward III., Earl of Cambridge, afterward
Duke of York. 
Edmund of Woodstock, son of Edward I., Earl of Kent. 
Edmund (Rich).  St. See Rich, Edmund. 
Edmund, St., of East Anglia. 
Edward the Confessor, saint and king; translation of. 
Edward I.;
  authorities for reign of. 
Edward II.;
  sources for the reign of. 
Edward III.;
  sources for the reign of. 
Edward, son of Henry III.  See also Edward I.

Project Gutenberg
The History of England from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.