George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 418 pages of information about George Selwyn.

George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 418 pages of information about George Selwyn.

 Shafto, Robert
 Shelburne, Lord
 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
 Shirley, Mr.
 Siddons, Mrs.
 Smith, Dr., Master of Trinity College
 Smith, General
 Smithson, Sir Hugh
 Somerset, Duke of
 Sophia, Princess
 Southwell, Baron
 Spencer, George John, second Earl
 Spencer, Lady Diana
 Spencer, Lord Charles
 Spencer, Lord Robert, “Bob”
 Spratt, Bishop
 Stael, Mme. De
 Stafford, Marquis of; and see Gower
 Stanhope, Henry
 Stanhope, Lady ("Harriot”) Henrietta
 Stanhope, Lord
 Stanley, Lady Betty
 Stanley, Lord
 Stapleton, Sir J.
 Stavordale, Lord; is a heavy gambler
 “Ste,” second Lord Holland, see Fox
Stewart, Keith
 Stonehewer, Richard
 Storer, Anthony Morris, the “Bon ton”; belonging to the Fox group;
     opinion of Selwyn; life of; attachment to Lady Payne; kindness
     of Carlisle to; description of Pitt’s third speech; writes to
     Carlisle; on East India affairs; loses at play; Lord North’s
     friendship for; at Cockpit; grievances; at White’s
 Stormont, Lord
 Strawberry Hill
 Stuarts, The
 Suffolk, Lord
 Suffren, Comte de
 Suffren, Comtesse de
 Sunderland, Earl of
 Surveyor of Meltings in the Mint
 Sussex, Duke of
 Sutherland, Lady
 Sydney, Thomas Townshend, first Viscount, see Townshend


Talbot, Lord
 Tankerville, Lord
 Tavistock, Lord
 Taunton, Lord
 Terry, Mrs.
 Tessier, Mons. (reader to the Queen)
 Thatched House Tavern
 Thomas, Sir H.
 Thomond, Lord; will of
 Thornbury Castle
 Thrale, Mrs. (Mrs. Piozzi)
 Thurlow, Edward, first Baron
 Townshend, Charles, Viscount
 Townshend, John, first Marquis
 Townshend, Lady
 Townshend, Thomas, Viscount Sydney
 Torrington, Lord
 Trentham, Lord
 Trinity College
 Tuesday Night Club
 Tunbridge, Selwyn’s opinion of
 Turner, Charles
 Tynte, Sir C.


Valiere, Duchesse de la
 Vanbrugh, Sir John
 Vanheck, Mrs.
 Vanheck, Sir Jos. 
 Vaupaliere, Mme. de la
 Vergennes, M. de
 Vernon, Lady H.
  Vernon, Richard
 Viri, Comte de


Waldegrave, Captain
 Waldegrave, Lady
 Waldegrave, Lord
 Wales, Prince of (George iv.)
 Walker, Mr.
 Wallis, Mr.
 Walpole, Horace; on illness of Selwyn; his “out-of-town party” at
     his villa; opinion of men of letters; his life; arrives at
     Matson; at Richmond; Pennant accused of copying style; mourns
     death of Selwyn
 Walpole, Sir Robert
 Walsingham, Lord
 Warren, Lady
 Warren, Dr. Richard
 Warner, Rev. Dr.
 Washington, George
 Webb, Mrs. (Selwyn’s lady housekeeper)

Project Gutenberg
George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.