Brooks, Mr.
Brooks’s Club, politics and gambling at; fortunes lost at;
card-room at; macaronis at; Fox and Fitzpatrick at; gossip at;
Selwyn at; American question discussed at; supper at;
ill attended; political discussion at; in opposition to;
Fox closeted every instant at; a place of amusement,
speculation, and curiosity; Whigs at, in 1781; Fox gives
audiences at
Brudenell, Lord
Buccleugh, Duchess of
Buccleugh, third Duke of
Buckingham, Lady
Buckingham, Lord
Buckingham House Junto
Buckinghamshire, third Earl of
Buffon, Mme.
“Bully,” see Bolingbroke
Bunbury, Lady Sarah; charm of; sought after
by the king; social
successes in Paris;
Carlisle’s youthful passion fon; at Lord
Bunbury, Sir Charles
Bunker’s Hill, Battle of
Burgoyne, General
Burke, Edmund; bad judgment of in Parliament
Burrows, Mr.
Bute, Lady
Byron, Lord
Byron, Lord (the poet)
Byron (Biron), Admiral, The Hon. John
Cadogan, Lady
Calas, Jean
Calonne, M. de
Cambis, Mme. De
Cambridge University; Walpole at
Camelford, Lord
Campbell, Mr. (first Baron Cawdor)
Camden, Earl
Carlisle, third Earl of
Carlisle, fourth Earl of
Carlisle, fifth Earl of, Frederick Howard; in
America, letters from
Hare and Selwyn; Selwyn’s letters to, commence;
sketch of life;’
Order of Thistle; delay
of Ribband and Badge; fears for health
at Turin; friendship
for Fox; Fox and Carlisle at Eton; anxiety
regarding Fox’s
prodigality; Viceroy of Ireland; Storer to;
ill; Peace Commissioner
to America; recalled from Ireland;
children of; high ideals;
thankfulness for Selwyn’s friendship.
Carlisle, sixth Earl of, see Howard, George,
Viscount Morpeth
Carlisle, Isabella, Countess Dowager of
Carlisle, Lady Caroline Gower, (wife of the
fifth Earl)
Carmarthen, Lord
Carpenter, Lady Almeria
Carteret, Harry
Carysfort, Lord
Castle Howard
Castle Inn, Richmond
Catherine, Empress of Russia
Cavendish, Lord Frederick
Cavendish, Lord George
Cavendish, Lord John
Cawdor, first Lord, see Campbell
Chamberlain, Lord
“Charles,” see Fox
Charlotte, Queen, wife of George iii.
Chartres, Duc de
Chatelet, Duc de
Chatham, first Earl of
Chatham, second Earl of
Cholmondeley, Lord
Chedworth, Lord
Choiseul, Duc de
Choiseul, Duchesse de
Choiseul, Mons. De
Choiseul, Mme. De
Chudleigh, Elizabeth, see Kingston, Duchess
Churchill, Lord
Clarence, Duke of
Clarendon, Lord
Clavering, Mr.
Clerk of the Irons
Clermont, Lady
Clermont, Lord
Cleveland, Duchess of
Clinton, Sir Henry