of thy miserable conscience. When she had spoken
these words, she tooke a great needle from her head
and pricked out both his eies: which done, she
by and by caught the naked sword which her husband
Lepolemus accustomed to weare, and ranne throughout
all the Citie like a mad woman towards the Sepulchre
of her husband. Then all we of the house, with
all the Citizens, ranne incontinently after her to
take the sword out of her hand, but she clasping about
the tombe of Lepolemus, kept us off with her naked
weapon, and when she perceived that every one of us
wept and lamented, she spake in this sort: I pray
you my friends weepe not, nor lament for me, for I
have revenged the death of my husband, I have punished
deservedly the wicked breaker of our marriage; now
is it time to seeke out my sweet Lepolemus, and presently
with this sword to finish my life. And therewithall
after she had made relation of the whole matter, declared
the vision which she saw and told by what meane she
deceived Thrasillus, thrusting her sword under her
right brest, and wallowing in her owne bloud, at length
with manly courage yeelded up the Ghost. Then
immediately the friends of miserable Charites did
bury her body within the same Sepulchre. Thrasillus
hearing all the matter, and knowing not by what meanes
he might end his life, for he thought his sword was
not sufficient to revenge so great a crime, at length
went to the same Sepulchre, and cryed with a lowd
voice, saying: o yee dead spirites whom I have
so highly and greatly offended, vouchsafe to receive
me, behold I make Sacrifice unto you with my whole
body: which said, hee closed the Sepulchre, purposing
to famish himselfe, and to finish his life there in
sorrow. These things the young man with pitifull
sighes and teares, declared unto the Cowheards and
Shepheards, which caused them all to weepe: but
they fearing to become subject unto new masters, prepared
themselves to depart away.
How Apuleius was lead away by the Horsekeeper:
and what danger he was in.
By and by the Horsekeeper, to whom the charge of me
was committed, brought forth all his substance, and
laded me and other Horses withall, and so departed
thence: we bare women, children, pullets, sparrowes,
kiddes, whelpes, and other things which were not able
to keepe pace with us, and that which I bare upon
my backe, although it was a mighty burthen, yet seemed
it very light because I was driven away from him that
most terribly had appointed to kill me. When we
had passed over a great mountaine full of trees, and
were come againe into the open fields, behold we approached
nigh to a faire and rich Castell, where it was told
unto us that we were not able to passe in our journey
that night, by reason of the great number of terrible
Wolves which were in the Country about, so fierce
and cruell that they put every man in feare, in such
sort that they would invade and set upon such which