a floure. Then I desiring the help of the guide
of my good fortune, ranne lustily towards the wood,
insomuch that I felt myself that I was no more an Asse,
but a swift coursing horse: but my agility and
quicknes could not prevent the cruelty of my fortune,
for when I came to the place I perceived that they
were no roses, neither tender nor pleasant, neither
moystened with the heavenly drops of dew, nor celestial
liquor, which grew out of the thicket and thornes
there. Neither did I perceive that there was any
valley at all, but onely the bank of the river, environed
with great thick trees, which had long branches like
unto lawrell, and bearing a flour without any manner
of sent, and the common people call them by the name
of Lawrel roses, which be very poyson to all manner
of beasts. Then was I so intangled with unhappy
fortune that I little esteemed mine own danger, and
went willingly to eat of these roses, though I knew
them to be present poyson: and as I drew neere
I saw a yong man that seemed to be the gardener, come
upon mee, and when he perceived that I had devoured
all his hearbes in the garden, he came swearing with
a great staffe in his hand, and laid upon me in such
sort, that I was well nigh dead, but I speedily devised
some remedy my self, for I lift up my legs and kicked
him with my hinder heels, that I left him lying at
the hill foot wel nigh slain, and so I ran away.
Incontinently came out his wife, who seeing her husband
halfe dead, cried and howled in pittifull sort, and
went toward her husband, to the intent that by her
lowd cries shee might purchase to me present destruction.
Then all the persons of the town, moved by her noise
came forth, and cried for dogs to teare me down.
Out came a great company of Bandogs and mastifes, more
fit to pul down bears and lions than me, whom when
I beheld I thought verily I should presently die:
but I turned myself about, and ranne as fast as ever
I might to the stable from whence I came. Then
the men of the towne called in their dogs, and took
me and bound mee to the staple of a post, and scourged
me with a great knotted whip till I was well nigh dead,
and they would undoubtedly have slaine me, had it
not come to passe, that what with the paine of their
beating, and the greene hearbes that lay in my guts,
I caught such a laske that I all besprinkled their
faces with my liquid dung, and enforced them to leave
How Apuleius was prevented of his purpose, and how the Theeves came to their den.
Not long after, the theeves laded us againe, but especially me, and brought us forth of the stable, and when wee had gone a good part of our journey what with the long way, my great burthen, the beating of staves, and my worne hooves, I was so weary that I could scantly go. Then I saw a little before mee a river running with fair water, and I said to myself, Behold, now I have found a good occasion: for I will fall down when I come yonder, and surely I will not rise againe, neither with scourging nor with beating, for I had rather be slaine there presently, than goe any further.