shape of an Asse, which kind of beast I have long
time abhorred and despised, but above all things beware
thou doubt not nor feare any of those things, as hard
and difficill to bee brought to passe, for in the same
houre that I am come to thee, I have commanded the
Priest by a vision what he shall doe, and all the
people by my commandement shall be compelled to give
thee place and say nothing! Moreover, thinke not
that amongst so faire and joyfull Ceremonies, and
in so good a company that any person shall abhorre
thy ill-favoured and deformed figure, or that any man
shall be so hardy, as to blame and reprove thy suddaine
restoration to humane shape, wherby they should gather
or conceive any sinister opinion: and know thou
this of certaine, that the residue of thy life untill
the houre of death shall be bound and subject to me!
And think it not an injury to be alwayes serviceable
towards me, since as by my meane and benefit thou
shalt become a man: thou shalt live blessed in
this world, thou shalt live glorious by my guide and
protection, and when thou descendest to Hell, where
thou shalt see me shine in that subterene place, shining
(as thou seest me now) in the darkness of Acheron,
and raigning in the deepe profundity of Stix, thou
shalt worship me, as one that hath bin favourable
to thee, and if I perceive that thou art obedient
to my commandement, addict to my religion, and merite
my divine grace, know thou, that I will prolong thy
dales above the time that the fates have appointed,
and the celestial Planets ordeined.
When the divine Image had spoken these words, she
vanished away! By and by when I awaked, I arose,
haveing the members of my bodie mixed with feare,
joy and sweate, and marvailed at the cleare presence
of the puissant goddesse, and being sprinkled with
the water of the sea, I recounted orderly her admonitions
and divine commandements. Soone after, the darknes
chased away, and the cleare and golden sunne arose,
when as behold I saw the streets replenished with
people going in a religious sort and in great triumph.
All things seemed that day to be joyfull, as well
all manner of beasts and houses, as also the very day
it selfe seemed to rejoyce. For after the hore-frost,
ensued the hot and temperat sun, whereby the little
birds weening that the spring time had bin come, did
chirp and sing in their steven melodiously: the
mother of stars, the parent of times, and mistres
of all the world: The fruitfull trees rejoyced
at their fertility: The barren and sterill were
contented at their shadow, rendering sweete and pleasant
shrills! The seas were quiet from winds and tempests:
the heaven had chaced away the clouds, and appeared
faire and cleare with his proper light. Behold
then more and more appeared the pomps and processions,
attired in regall manner and singing joyfully:
One was girded about the middle like a man of armes:
Another bare and spare, and had a cloake and high-shooes
like a hunter! another was attired in a robe of silke,