and by her diminishing motions diminished: as
weary of all my cruell fortune and calamity, I found
good hope and soveraigne remedy, though it were very
late, to be delivered from all my misery, by invocation
and prayer, to the excellent beauty of the Goddesse,
whom I saw shining before mine eyes, wherefore shaking
off mine Assie and drowsie sleepe, I arose with a
joyfull face, and mooved by a great affection to purifie
my selfe, I plunged my selfe seven times into the
water of the Sea, which number of seven is conveniable
and agreeable to holy and divine things, as the worthy
and sage Philosopher Pythagoras hath declared.
Then with a weeping countenance, I made this Orison
to the puissant Goddesse, saying: O blessed Queene
of heaven, whether thou be the Dame Ceres which art
the originall and motherly nource of all fruitfull
things in earth, who after the finding of thy daughter
Proserpina, through the great joy which thou diddest
presently conceive, madest barraine and unfruitfull
ground to be plowed and sowne, and now thou inhabitest
in the land of Eleusie; or whether thou be the celestiall
Venus, who in the beginning of the world diddest couple
together all kind of things with an ingendered love,
by an eternall propagation of humane kind, art now
worshipped within the Temples of the Ile Paphos, thou
which art the sister of the God Phoebus, who nourishest
so many people by the generation of beasts, and art
now adored at the sacred places of Ephesus, thou which
art horrible Proserpina, by reason of the deadly howlings
which thou yeeldest, that hast power to stoppe and
put away the invasion of the hags and Ghoasts which
appeare unto men, and to keepe them downe in the closures
of the earth: thou which art worshipped in divers
manners, and doest illuminate all the borders of the
earth by thy feminine shape, thou which nourishest
all the fruits of the world by thy vigor and force;
with whatsoever name or fashion it is lawfull to call
upon thee, I pray thee, to end my great travaile and
misery, and deliver mee from the wretched fortune,
which had so long time pursued me. Grant peace
and rest if it please thee to my adversities, for
I have endured too much labour and perill. Remoove
from me my shape of mine Asse, and render to me my
pristine estate, and if I have offended in any point
of divine Majesty, let me rather dye then live, for
I am full weary of my life. When I had ended this
orison, and discovered my plaints to the Goddesse,
I fortuned to fall asleepe, and by and by appeared
unto me a divine and venerable face, worshipped even
of the Gods themselves. Then by little and little
I seemed to see the whole figure of her body, mounting
out of the sea and standing before mee, wherefore
I purpose to describe her divine semblance, if the
poverty of my humane speech will suffer me, or her
divine power give me eloquence thereto. First
shee had a great abundance of haire, dispersed and
scattered about her neck, on the crowne of her head
she bare many garlands enterlaced with floures, in