to any justice, lest he should be accused of cowardise
or dastardnesse, yet in the end he told some of his
companions of all the matter that happened: then
they tooke him and caused him to be closed in some
secret place, thinking that beside the injury which
he had received, he should be accused of the breach
of his faith, by reason of the losse of his speare,
and when they had learned the signes of my master,
they went to search him out: at last there was
an unfaithfull neighbour that told them where he was,
then incontinently the souldiers went to the Justice
declaring that they had lost by the way a silver goblet
of their Captaines, and that a Gardener had found
it, who refusing to deliver the goblet, was hidden
in one of his friends houses: by and by the Magistrates
understanding the losse of the Captaine, came to the
doores where we were, commanded our host to deliver
my master upon paine of death: howbeit these threatnings
could not enforce him to confesse that he was within
his doores, but by reason of his faithfull promise
and for the safeguard of his friend, he said, that
hee saw not the Gardener a great while, neither knew
where he was: the souldiers said contrary, whereby
to know the verity of the matter, the Magistrates
commanded their Seargants and ministers to search
every corner of the house, but when they could find
neither Gardener nor Asse, there was a great contention
betweene the souldiers and our Host, for they sayd
we were within the house: and he said no, but
I that was very curious to know the matter, when I
heard so great a noyse, put my head out of the window
to learne what the stirre and tumult did signifie.
It fortuned that one of the souldiers perceived my
shadow, whereupon he began to cry, saying: that
hee had certainly seene me; then they were all glad
and came up into the chamber, and pulled me downe
like a prisoner. When they had found mee, they
doubted nothing of the Gardener, but seeking about
more narrowly, at length they found him couched in
a chest. And so they brought out the poore gardener
to the Justices, who was committed immediately to
prison, but they could never forbeare laughing from
the time they found me by my shadow, wherefore is
risen a common Proverbe: ‘The shadow of
the Asse.’
How the souldier drave Apuleius away, and how he came to a Captaines house, and what happened there.
The next day how my master the Gardener sped, I knew not, but the gentle souldier, who was well beaten for his cowardise, lead me to his lodging without the contradiction of any man: Where hee laded me well, and garnished my body (as seemed to me) like an Asse of armes. For on the one side I bare an helmet that shined exceedingly: On the other side a Target that glistered more a thousand folde. And on the top of my burthen he put a long speare, which things he placed thus gallantly, not because