The Bakers wife began to intreate her, promising that
she would largely recompence her, if shee could bring
one of these things to passe, eyther to make that her
husband may be reconciled to her againe, or else if
hee would not agree thereto, to send an ill spirit
into him, to dispossesse the spirit of her husband.
Then the witch with her abhominable science, began
to conjure and to make her Ceremonies, to turne the
heart of the Baker to his wife, but all was in vaine,
wherefore considering on the one side that she could
not bring her purpose to passe, and on the other side
the losse of her gaine, she ran hastily to the Baker,
threatning to send an evill spirit to kill him, by
meane of her conjurations. But peradventure some
scrupulous reader may demand me a question, how I,
being an Asse, and tyed alwayes in the mill house,
could know the secrets of these women: Verily
I answer, notwithstanding my shape of an Asse, I had
the sence and knowledge of a man, and curiously endeavoured
to know out such injuries as were done to my master.
About noone there came a woman into the Milhouse,
very sorrowfull, raggedly attired, with bare feete,
meigre, ill-favoured, and her hayre scattering upon
her face: This woman tooke the Baker by the hand,
and faining that she had some secret matter to tell
him, went into a chamber, where they remained a good
space, till all the corne was ground, when as the
servants were compelled to call their master to give
them more corne, but when they had called very often,
and no person gave answer, they began to mistrust,
insomuch that they brake open the doore: when
they were come in, they could not find the woman,
but onely their master hanging dead upon a rafter of
the chamber, whereupon they cryed and lamented greatly,
and according to the custome, when they had washed
themselves, they tooke the body and buried it.
The next day morrow, the daughter of the Baker, which
was married but a little before to one of the next
Village, came crying and beating her breast, not because
she heard of the death of her father by any man, but
because his lamentable spirit, with a halter about
his necke appeared to her in the night, declaring
the whole circumstance of his death, and how by inchantment
he was descended into hell, which caused her to thinke
that her father was dead. After that she had lamented
a good space, and was somewhat comforted by the servants
of the house, and when nine dayes were expired, as
inheretrix to her father, she sold away all the substance
of the house, whereby the goods chanced into divers
mens hands.
How Apuleius after the Baker was hanged, was sold to a Gardener, and what dreadfull things happened.