Myths of Babylonia and Assyria eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 560 pages of information about Myths of Babylonia and Assyria.

Myths of Babylonia and Assyria eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 560 pages of information about Myths of Babylonia and Assyria.

Damkina is similarly addressed in another prayer: 

    O Damkina, mighty queen of all the gods,
    O wife of Ea, valiant art thou,
    O Ir-nina, mighty queen of all the gods ... 
    Thou that dwellest in the Abyss, O lady of heaven and earth!... 
    In the evil of the eclipse of the moon, etc.

Bau is also prayed in a similar connection as “mighty lady that dwellest in the bright heavens”, i.e.  “Queen of heaven".[497]

Tashmit, whose name signifies “Obedience”, according to Jastrow, or “Hearing”, according to Sayce, carried the prayers of worshippers to Nebo, her spouse.  As Isis interceded with Osiris, she interceded with Nebo, on behalf of mankind.  But this did not signify that she was the least influential of the divine pair.  A goddess played many parts:  she was at once mother, daughter, and wife of the god; the servant of one god or the “mighty queen of all the gods”.  The Great Mother was, as has been indicated, regarded as the eternal and undecaying one; the gods passed away, son succeeding father; she alone remained.  Thus, too, did Semiramis survive in the popular memory, as the queen-goddess of widespread legends, after kings and gods had been forgotten.  To her was ascribed all the mighty works of other days in the lands where the indigenous peoples first worshipped the Great Mother as Damkina, Nina, Bau, Ishtar, or Tashmit, because the goddess was anciently believed to be the First Cause, the creatrix, the mighty one who invested the ruling god with the powers he possessed—­the god who held sway because he was her husband, as did Nergal as the husband of Eresh-ki-gal, queen of Hades.

The multiplication of well-defined goddesses was partly due to the tendency to symbolize the attributes of the Great Mother, and partly due to the development of the great “Lady” in a particular district where she reflected local phenomena and where the political influence achieved by her worshippers emphasized her greatness.  Legends regarding a famous goddess were in time attached to other goddesses, and in Aphrodite and Derceto we appear to have mother deities who absorbed the traditions of more than one local “lady” of river and plain, forest and mountain.  Semiramis, on the other hand, survived as a link between the old world and the new, between the country from which emanated the stream of ancient culture and the regions which received it.  As the high priestess of the cult, she became identified with the goddess whose bird name she bore, as Gilgamesh and Etana became identified with the primitive culture-hero or patriarch of the ancient Sumerians, and Sargon became identified with Tammuz.  No doubt the fame of Semiramis was specially emphasized because of her close association, as Queen Sammu-rammat, with the religious innovations which disturbed the land of the god Ashur during the Middle Empire period.

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Myths of Babylonia and Assyria from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.