Holiday Stories for Young People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about Holiday Stories for Young People.

Holiday Stories for Young People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about Holiday Stories for Young People.

“It’s a beautiful world,” they cried.

And at night, when the Sea Breeze was wakeful, and sang to the waves of the mountain peak, the children would lift their heads from the white pillows to listen, whispering softly to one another: 

“Hear the Sea Breeze and the ocean moaning on the shore.  Are they lonely without us, I wonder?”

The Bremen Town Musicians.


     [When I was a child I used to love the story which is coming next. 
     It is very funny and I like it still.]

There was once an ass whose master had made him carry sacks to the mill for many a long year, but whose strength began at last to fail, so that each day as it came found him less capable of work.  Then his master began to think of turning him out, but the ass, guessing that something was in the wind that boded him no good, ran away, taking the road to Bremen; for there he thought he might get an engagement as town musician.  When he had gone a little way he found a hound lying by the side of the road panting, as if he had run a long way.

“Now, Holdfast, what are you so out of breath about!” said the ass.

“Oh, dear!” said the dog, “now I am old, I get weaker every day, and can do no good in the hunt, so, as my master was going to have me killed, I have made my escape; but now, how am I to gain my living?”

“I will tell you what,” said the ass, “I am going to Bremen to become town musician.  You may as well go with me, and take up music too.  I can play the lute, and you can beat the drum.”

The dog consented, and they walked on together.  It was not long before they came to a cat sitting in the road, looking as dismal as three wet days.

“Now, then, what is the matter with you, old friend?” said the ass.

“I should like to know who would be cheerful when his neck is in danger?” answered the cat.  “Now that I am old, my teeth are getting blunt, and I would rather sit by the oven and purr than run about after mice, and my mistress wants to drown me; so I took myself off; but good advice is scarce, and I do not know what is to become of me.”

“Go with us to Bremen,” said the ass, “and become town musician.  You understand serenading.”

The cat thought well of the idea, and went with them accordingly.  After that the three travelers passed by a yard, and a cock was perched on the gate crowing with all his might.

“Your cries are enough to pierce bone and marrow,” said the ass; “what is the matter?”

“I have foretold good weather for Lady-day, so that all the shirts may be washed and dried; and now on Sunday morning company is coming, and the mistress has told the cook that I must be made into soup, and this evening my neck is to be wrung, so that I am crowing with all my might while I can.”

“You had better go with us, Chanticleer,” said the ass.  “We are going to Bremen.  At any rate that will be better than dying.  You have a powerful voice, and when we are all performing together it will have a very good effect.”

Project Gutenberg
Holiday Stories for Young People from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.