Holiday Stories for Young People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about Holiday Stories for Young People.

Holiday Stories for Young People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about Holiday Stories for Young People.

Ralph’s eyes opened wide in astonishment.  “But you didn’t go to Sunday-school,” he replied, “because your teacher came and asked me where you were, and I told her I didn’t know; I thought you were coming.”

“Well, it isn’t any of your business whether we went or not,” growled John.  “All you’ve got to do is to say we were there if you’re asked.”

“I can’t tell a lie about it, can I?”

“Yes, you can, if you just make up your mind to do it.”

“But I won’t tell a lie about it,” said Ralph, sturdily.

“No, I suppose you’d rather get your brothers in a scrape.  You know what will happen if we’re found out.”

Ralph hesitated.  He was an affectionate child and disliked to see anybody in trouble, especially his own brothers, but he had a very decided opinion that he was in the right, and therefore concluded to speak the truth at all hazards.

“I’m just as sorry as I can be,” he returned, sadly, “and I’ll beg papa to forgive you and say I know you won’t ever do it again, but if they ask me I can’t tell a lie about it.”

“You won’t, eh, little saint?” cried John, angrily, grabbing his brother’s arm.  “Now just promise to do as we say, or we’ll pitch you into that deep pond over there.”

Ralph was too young to realize that this was only an idle threat, and he was very much frightened, yet in that moment of terror the thought of Daniel in the lion’s den flashed through his mind and gave him the strength that he had not dared to hope for.  He saw in an instant that he had come to his temptation and his den of lions, and he felt that as God had protected Daniel in that far-away time, He would now protect him.  Ralph had never learned to swim, and he was in fear of the big frogs and other creatures that inhabit ponds, but he did not flinch.  With a boldness that surprised even himself, he looked steadily at his brother and replied, “You cannot frighten me into doing that wrong thing.  I will not pray to the image of falsehood that you have set up.”

It was now his brothers’ turn to be astonished.  They had never thought of Ralph as anything but a timid, little boy who could be overcome by the slightest threat, and for a moment they were at a loss what to say.  Of course, Ralph was merely repeating some of his teacher’s words, but they were not aware of that fact, and consequently wondered at his remarks.  Finally John managed to stammer, “Do—­do you want to go in that pond?”

“No manner of hurt was found upon him because he believed in his God,” continued Ralph, with his mind still on his Sunday-school; “God delivers His faithful ones in time of trouble.”

Turning away, John was about to walk off, but Tom detained him.  “Wait a moment, John,” he said, and then the others noticed that there were tears in his eyes.  “I want to tell my brave little brother that I honor him for sticking to the truth.  As for me, I shall confess to father, and promise not to repeat the offence.”

Project Gutenberg
Holiday Stories for Young People from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.