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Our Premium Knife!
[Illustration: (GOLDEN DAYS)]
Ivory handle, beautifully finished, Exactly as Illustrated. Made to our own order, and can only be had by subscribing to “GOLDEN DAYS.”
-> We will make this Knife a Present to any one who sends us THREE DOLLARS
For One Year’s Subscription to “Golden Days.”
-> The money must be sent direct to this office. Address JAMES ELVERSON, Publisher “Golden Days,” Phila., Pa.
Special Notice.—WHEN TEN CENTS FOR REGISTERING IS SENT, we consider ourselves responsible for the safe delivery, though we have sent several thousand Knives without one in a thousand being lost.
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Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
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Notices of Exchange.
-> The publisher will positively take no responsibility concerning exchanges effected by means of this department, neither will the reliability of exchangers be guaranteed. To avoid any misunderstanding in the matter, it would be advisable for those contemplating exchanging to write for particulars to the addresses before sending the articles desired.
-> Exchange notices containing offers of or for shot-guns, air-guns, pistols, rifles, poisons, dangerous chemicals, animals, odd numbers of papers, valueless coins and curiosities, birds’ eggs, or “offers,” will not be inserted.
Exchange Notices conforming with the above rules are inserted free of charge.
C. Willard, Box 707, Claremont, N.H., a volume of “Youth’s Companion” and a book for a volume of GOLDEN DAYS.
G.H. Barker, Shickley, Neb., a collection of foreign and U.S. stamps for a B-flat cornet or a silver watch.
J.N. Dodd, Box 181, Middletown, Del., a $20 zither and a complete printing outfit for a typewriter.
G.J. Frick, 2903 Fairhill St., Philadelphia, Pa., a cornet, 6 volumes of GOLDEN DAYS, a lot of books, a pair of opera glasses, a watch, a pair of skates and 2 penknives for a clarionet, a bicycle or a “tuck-up” boat.
U.M. Reymar, 132 Academy Ave., Middletown, N.Y., 3 vols. of GOLDEN DAYS, 3 books on athletic sports and other reading matter for a high-wheel bicycle or a banjo.
G.K. Mears, 128 West Jersey St., Elizabeth, N.J., a nickel-plated watch, an album with 250 stamps, 9 books, a polyopticon and a 2-1/4 x 4 press for a large self-inking press.
P. McNabb, 2208 2d Ave., N.Y. city, a pair of 2-pound Indian clubs, a pack of trick cards and 2 books on magic for dry plate holders for a 4x5 camera.
A.G. Randall, Tekonsha, Mich. a $20 typewriter for a watch, a photo outfit, books, a magic lantern or gymnastic goods.
G.A. Taylor, 469 Prospect St., Cleveland, Ohio, a self-inking press with 20 fonts of type, cabinet, leads and entire outfit for a Safety bicycle.