The Climbers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 124 pages of information about The Climbers.

The Climbers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 124 pages of information about The Climbers.

TROTTER.  Then he’s a damned thief!

[He sits on the bench with the manner that he has settled the subject.

WARDEN.  So he is, and he’s ruined.

TROTTER.  Well, prison is the place for him.

WARDEN.  We won’t argue that, but how about his family—­they get punished for what he has done; they must share his disgrace.

TROTTER.  Oh, well, my wife is out of all that now—­she’s Mrs. Trotter.

WARDEN.  Yes, but her own daughter suffers.

TROTTER. [On the defensive.] She isn’t very chummy with her classy eldest daughter.

WARDEN.  Never mind that; you know without my telling you that Mrs.
Sterling is a fine woman.

TROTTER.  She’s always snubbed me right and left, but, by George, I must own she is a fine woman.

WARDEN.  That’s right! [Clapping him on the back and putting his arm around his shoulder.] Look here—­help us save her!


WARDEN.  Indorse a note of Sterling’s to give Ryder to keep him quiet.

TROTTER.  I’d have to ask my wife.

WARDEN.  No!  Don’t start off like that!  Keep the reins in your own hands at the very beginning,—­make her realize from this very day that you’re raised up on the cushion beside her; that she’s sitting lower down admiring the scenery, while you do the driving through life!

TROTTER. [Half laughing.] Ha!  I guess you’re right.  Box seat and reins are good enough for me!

WARDEN.  Good boy!  Then we can count on you to sign this note?

TROTTER.  Where’s my security?

WARDEN.  I can get you security if you want it.

TROTTER.  Of course I want it!  And I say, where are you?  Why aren’t you in it?

WARDEN.  There are reasons why my name had better not appear; you are in the family.  But I’ll tell you what I’ll do, Trotter; I’ll secure you with a note of my own—­only you must keep it dark; you mustn’t even let Mason know.

TROTTER.  All right, perhaps I’m a Dodo bird, but I’ll do it.  Say, I seem to have married a good many of this classy family!

WARDEN.  Trotter, no one’s done you justice!  And, by George! you deserve a better fate—­er—­I mean—­my best wishes on your wedding day.

[TROTTER shakes his hand delightedly.

TROTTER.  Great day for me!  What I wanted was style and position, and some one classy who would know how to spend my money for me!

WARDEN.  Well, you’ve got that, surely!

[CLARA comes back from the house.

CLARA.  The Godesbys are coming.  Trotter, there’s skating on the river near here, and they’ve skates in the house—­don’t you want a spin?

TROTTER.  Yes, I don’t mind—­if my wife doesn’t need me! [CLARA laughs as GODESBY and MISS GODESBY enter from behind the house. TROTTER meets them, with CLARA on his arm.] Excuse us for a little while!

Project Gutenberg
The Climbers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.