Over Here eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Over Here.

Over Here eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Over Here.

    And now, when liberty’s at bay,
    And blood-stained tyrants force the fray,
    Worn warriors, battling for the right,
    Crushed by oppression’s cruel might,
    Hear in the dark through which they grope
    America’s glad cry of hope: 
    Man’s liberty is not to die! 
    America is standing by! 
    World-wide shall human lives be free: 
    America has crossed the sea!

    America! the land we love! 
    God’s second gift from Heaven above,
    Builded and fashioned out of truth,
    Sinewed by Him with splendid youth
    For that glad day when shall be furled
    All tyrant flags throughout the world. 
    For this our banner holds the sky: 
    That liberty shall never die. 
    For this, America began: 
    To make a brotherhood of man.

         The Time for Deeds

We have boasted our courage in moments of ease,
Our star-spangled banner we’ve flung on the breeze;
We have taught men to cheer for its beauty and worth,
And have called it the flag of the bravest on earth
Now the dark days are here, we must stand to the test. 
Oh, God! let us prove we are true to our best!

We have drunk to our flag, and we’ve talked of the right,
We have challenged oppression to show us its might;
We have strutted for years through the world as a race
That for God and for country, earth’s tyrants would face;
Now the gage is flung down, hate is loosed in the world. 
Oh, God! shall our flag in dishonor be furled?

    We have said we are brave; we have preached of the truth,
    We have walked in conceit of the strength of our youth;
    We have mocked at the ramparts and guns of the foe,
    As though we believed we could laugh them all low. 
    Now oppression has struck!  We are challenged to fight! 
    Oh, God! let us prove we can stand for the right!

If in honor and glory our flag is to wave,
If we are to keep this—­the land of the brave;
If more than fine words are to fashion our creeds,
Now must our hands and our hearts turn to deeds. 
We are challenged by tyrants our strength to reveal! 
Oh, God! let us prove that our courage is real!

Everywhere in America

Not somewhere in America, but everywhere to-day,
Where snow-crowned mountains hold their heads,
the vales where children play,
Beside the bench and whirring lathe, on every
lake and stream
And in the depths of earth below, men share a
common dream—­
The dream our brave forefathers had of freedom
and of right,
And once again in honor’s cause, they rally and

Project Gutenberg
Over Here from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.