Apart fromthat though the key marked Fig is rather fun, since you can rite such amusing things withit, things like % and [Symbol: face] and dear old & not to mention = and 1/4 and 3/4 and!!! i find that inones ordinarry (i never get that word right) cor orrespondenLc one doesn’t use expressions like @@ and % % % nearly enough. typewriting gives you a new ideaof possibilities of the engliLh language; thE more i look at % the more beautiful it seems to Be: and like the simple flowers of england itis perLaps most beautiLul when seeen in the masss, Look atit
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
how would thatdo for a BAThrooM wallpaper? it could be produced verery cheaply and itcould be calld the Cher RYdesigN damn, imeant to put all that in capitals. iam afraid this articleis spoilt now but butt bUt curse . But perhaps the most excitingthing aLout this macLine is that you can by presssing alittle switch suddenly writein redor green instead of in black; I donvt understanh how Lt is done butit is very jollY? busisisness men us e the device a gre t deal wen writing to their membersof PARLIAment, in order to emphasasise the pointin wich theLr inLustice is worSe than anyone elses inLustice . wen they come to we are ruined they burst out into red and wen they come to we w would remIND you tHAT ATtHE last election yoU UNDERTOOk they burst into GReeN. thei r typists must enjoy doing those letters. with this arrang ment of corse one coul d do allkinds of capital wallpapers. for |nstance wat about a scheme of red L’s and black %’s and gReen &’s? this sort of thing
L % L % L % L % L % & L & L & L & L & L L % L % L % L % L % & L & L & L & L & L
Manya poor man would be glad to Lave that in his parLour ratherthan wat he has got now. of corse, you wont be ab?e to apreciate the fulll bauty of the design since i underst and that the retched paper which is going to print this has no redink and no green inq either; so you must Lust immagine that the L’s are red and the &’s are green. it is extroarordinarry (wat a t erribleword!!!) how backward in MAny waYs these uptodate papers are wwww1/41/41/41/41/41/41/2=3/4 now how did that happen i wond er; i was experimenting with the back space key; if that is wat it is for i dont thinq i shall use it again. iI wonder if i am impriving at this1/2 sometimes i thinq i am and so metimes i thinq iam not . we have not had so many L’s lately but i notice that theere have been one or two misplaced q’s & icannot remember to write i in capital s there it goes again.