1. The right to privately
own land within the boundaries of the
Russian Republic is hereby
abolished forever.
2. All land within the
boundaries of the Russian Republic, with
all mines, forests, and waters,
is hereby declared the property of
the nation.
3. The republic has the right to control all land, with all the mines, forests, and waters thereof, through the central and local administration, in accordance with the regulation provided by the present law.
4. The autonomous provinces
of the Russian Republic have title to
land on the basis of the present
law and in accordance with the
Federal Constitution.
5. The tasks of the central
and local governments as regards the
use of lands, mines, forests,
and waters are:
a. The creation of conditions
conducive to the best possible
utilization of the country’s
natural resources and the highest
possible development of its
productive forces.
b. The fair distribution of all natural wealth among the people.
6. The rights of individuals
and institutions to land, mines,
forests, and waters are restricted
merely to utilization by said
individuals and institutions.
7. The use of all mines, forests, land, and waters is free to all citizens of the Russian Republic, regardless of nationality or creed. This includes all unions of citizens, also governmental and public institutions.
8. The right to use the
land is to be acquired and discontinued on
the basis prescribed by this
fundamental law.
9. All titles to land at
present held by the individuals,
associations, and institutions
are abolished in so far as they
contradict this law.
10. All land, mines, forests, waters, at present owned by and otherwise in the possession of individuals, associations, and institutions, are confiscated without compensation for the loss incurred.
In the name of the peoples of the Russian Republic, the All-Russian Constituent Assembly expresses the firm will of the people to immediately discontinue the war and conclude a just and general peace, appeals to the Allied countries proposing to define jointly the exact terms of the democratic peace acceptable to all the belligerent nations, in order to present these terms, in behalf of the Allies, to the governments fighting against the Russian Republic and her allies.
The Constituent Assembly firmly believes that the attempts of the peoples of Russia to end the disastrous war will meet with a unanimous response on the part of the peoples and the governments of the Allied countries, and that by common efforts a speedy peace will be attained, which will safeguard the well-being and dignity of all the belligerent